Palisades Nuclear Plant out of service due to valve problem via

Posted Sep 19, 2011 @ 08:32 AM
South Haven — MI
The Palisades Nuclear Plant near South Haven is out of service after a leak from a valve in the system that cools the reactor was detected.

The nuclear facility at 27780 Blue Star Highway in Covert was taken down before 3 p.m. Friday and workers isolated the leak from the pressurizer spray valve, said plant spokesman Mark Savage. Repairs began Saturday and are stull under way.

The reactor is stable, he said.

A Notification of Unusual Event — the lowest of four emergency classification levels established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission — was declared Friday afternoon and terminated about 7:30 that night. The warning means that there is a problem at the plant that is being handled by plant workers and does not affect the public.


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