Research reactor ceiling catches fire via The Japan Times Online

MITO, Ibaraki Pref. — A fire Tuesday partially burned the ceiling of a building housing a nuclear reactor in Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture, the prefectural government and the reactor’s operator said.

The fire broke out at around 9:30 a.m. and was extinguished two hours later, they said, adding the blaze at the research reactor facility did not result in a radiation leak and no one was injured.

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2 Responses to Research reactor ceiling catches fire via The Japan Times Online

  1. norma field says:

    Would this incident have been reported before 3.11?

    • mfisch says:

      I doubt it would have. Even so, this report is incredibly vague. Do fires simply break out? What was the cause of the fire? Why is this not mentioned? From reading 原発と地震–柏崎刈羽「震度7」の警告, published in 2009 it seems that there has been significant evidence for some time about how unstable these so-called safe facilities are.

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