Tag Archives: tritium

Statement regarding the oceanic dumping of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant via Stop Polluting the Sea! Citizens Action Group

Statement regarding the oceanic dumping of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant August 27, 2020   Life started in the oceans, evolving over unimaginable timescales.  Everything alive on Earth today can be traced back to its origins … Continue reading

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NFLA alarmed by the planned dumping of over 1 million tonnes of radioactively contaminated water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean – the Japanese Government needs to urgently reconsider this strategy via Nuclear Free Local Authorities (Councils Working for a Renewable, Safe, and Peaceful Future)

19th October 2020 […] The NFLA has asked independent marine radioactivity consultant Tim Deere-Jones for his analysis on this proposed decision, given his extensive analysis on the marine issues around the Fukushima disaster. (2) It also draws on the expert … Continue reading

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The Hazards of Tritium via ianfairlie.org

March 13, 2020 Summary Nuclear facilities emit very large amounts of tritium, 3H, the radioactive isotope of hydrogen.  Much evidence from cell/animal studies and radiation biology theory indicates that tritium is more hazardous than gamma rays and most X-rays. However the … Continue reading

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Releasing radioactive water would further damage Fukushima’s reputation via the Japan Times

By Yuhei Sato Releasing the treated radioactive water stored at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant risks further damage to the disaster-hit prefecture’s reputation and negates the nine-year effort to dispel negative perceptions about local agricultural produce, fisheries and tourism. … Continue reading

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When tritium is your beverage of choice via Beyond Nuclear International

Welcome to France By Linda Pentz Gunter The headline — Police probe opened into rumours of unsafe tap water in Paris — raised hopes that nuclear operators might finally be held accountable for what appears to be routine radioactive contamination of drinking … Continue reading

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80% of ‘purified’ Fukushima plant water exceeds radiation limits via The Japan News

Jiji PressTOKYO (Jiji Press) — About 80 percent of water stored at the meltdown-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station after purification work still contains radioactive materials above the environmental standards, officials at the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company … Continue reading

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Japan tries to dilute tritium danger via Beyond Nuclear International

More than one million tonnes of radioactively contaminated water has already accumulated at the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant site, stored in steel tanks and increasing in volume daily — by some accounts one new tank is added every … Continue reading

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Tritiated water and the proposed discharges of tritiated water stored at the Fukushima accident site via Tim Deere-Jones

Briefing paper: July 2018 Tim Deere-Jones (Marine Radioactivity Research & Consultancy: Wales: UK) The problem of accumulating tritiated water at the Fukushima site continues to grow, as cooling waters are still being continuously applied at the site. There is increased pressure … Continue reading

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ALPS system at Fukushima No. 1 plant failing to remove more than tritium from toxic cooling water via the Japan Times

[…] The government and Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. are under pressure to dispose the treated water, which is accumulating in hundreds of tanks on the premises. One option is to dump it into the sea, as tritium, a … Continue reading

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A Resolution Against the Ocean Dumping of Radioactive Tritium-contaminated Waste Water From the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant via Members of the Association for Citizens and Scientists Concerned about Internal Radiation Exposures (ACSIR)

July,2018 A Resolution Against the Ocean Dumping of Radioactive Tritium-contaminated Waste Water From the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant   Members of the Association for Citizens and Scientists Concerned about Internal Radiation Exposures (ACSIR) and citizens and scientists who are concerned … Continue reading

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