Tag Archives: reprocessing

Questions emerge over need for Japanese nuclear reprocessing plant via NHK World-Japan

On May 13, Japanese nuclear regulators announced that the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant had met new safety regulations, taking a crucial step toward becoming operational. The government has long touted the facility as crucial to the country’s nuclear energy policy, but … Continue reading

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Argonne scientists say they’ve developed a better way to deal with nuclear waste—thanks to 3-D printers via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

One of the major objections to nuclear energy has been the problem of radioactive nuclear waste. Although we have the capability to reprocess about 95 percent of the spent nuclear fuel from a reactor, the amount of highly radioactive waste … Continue reading

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Why Congress should say no to yet another fast reactor dream via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Victor Gilinsky, Henry Sokolski, June 4, 2019 In its effort to revive a moribund US nuclear industry, the Trump administration has put itself in the hands of our national laboratories. The laboratories have used the opportunity to reach for the public … Continue reading

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Burning waste or playing with fire? Waste management considerations for non-traditional reactors via [abstract] Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Lindsay Krall and Allison Macfarlane Nuclear energy-producing nations are almost universally experiencing delays in the commissioning of the geologic repositories needed for the long-term isolation of spent fuel and other high-level wastes from the human environment. Despite these problems, … Continue reading

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Japan to cap plutonium stockpile to allay U.S. concerns via The Asahi Shimbun

Japan plans to boost measures to curb surplus plutonium extracted from the reprocessing of spent fuel at nuclear power plants, including capping the country’s stockpile of the highly toxic material. The move followed the U.S. and other countries’ calls for … Continue reading

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Japan approves 70-year plan to scrap nuclear reprocessing plant via The Japan Times

Japan’s nuclear watchdog approved a plan Wednesday to scrap a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant northeast of Tokyo over a 70-year period, with the cost projected at ¥1 trillion ($9 billion). The facility in the village of Tokai, Ibaraki Prefecture, went … Continue reading

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Editorial: Turn renewal of Japan-US nuclear pact into chance to reconsider reprocessing via The Mainichi

A 30-year nuclear cooperation agreement between Japan and the U.S. that expires in July is set to be automatically renewed. The renewal is accompanied by the U.S. government’s continued approval of Japan’s reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. The extension of … Continue reading

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“…People have become a sort of radioactive waste.” via Greenpeace

Jan Haverkamp Those words were spoken to me by the Russian human rights lawyer, Nadezhda Kutepova. For years she, with her NGO, Planet of Hopes, defended people who suffer in one of the most radioactively polluted places on this planet: … Continue reading

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Japan’s Nuclear Power Program: A Strategic Paradox? via The Diplomat

[…] Constitutional matters aside, several events have lent credence to suspicions that Tokyo is already firming up this potentiality. The codification of the safety of the nuclear power program within the Atomic Energy Basic Law as indispensable to national security in 2012, … Continue reading

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Japan Nuclear Fuel skipped safety checks at Rokkasho plant for 14 years via Japan Times

Nuclear regulators concluded Wednesday that Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. violated legally binding safety rules by failing to conduct necessary checks for over a decade at its uncompleted spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in the country’s northeast. The failure of checks … Continue reading

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