Tag Archives: renewable energy

Gauteng Civil Society marches for Nuclear–free South Africa via Greenpeace Africa

Thousands of people from civil society groups across Gauteng today took part in a march to protest against South Africa’s nuclear expansion plans. The activists marched from Pieter Roos Park to Beyers Naude Square, where they handed over a memorandum … Continue reading

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Renewable energy will overtake nuclear power by 2018, research says via The Guardian

Renewables will provide enough power for one in 10 British homes by 2015 if current growth rates continue Renewable energy capacity will overtake nuclear power in the UK by 2018, if current rates of growth continue, and will provide enough … Continue reading

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Fukushima Watch: Son’s Energy Manifesto via The Wall Street Journal

When it comes to policy pledges, renewable energy advocate Masayoshi Son says he keeps his. Having vowed that SoftBank Corp. would build at least 10 renewable power facilities with a combined capacity of more than 200 megawatts to help kickstart … Continue reading

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Iida enters race in Yamaguchi via The Japan Times

YAMAGUCHI — Tetsunari Iida, head of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies, will run for governor of Yamaguchi in July, sources said Sunday. The 53-year-old promoter of renewable energy, from Shunan in Fukushima, has supported efforts to achieve self-sufficiency in … Continue reading

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Genba, Fabius agree to boost ties via Japan Times

CHICAGO — Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba and his French counterpart, Laurent Fabius, agreed Sunday to strengthen nonnuclear energy cooperation. […] At the meeting, Genba proposed that bilateral cooperation on energy be expanded to green technology, and the two ministers agreed … Continue reading

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OPINION: Japan must seize chance to reflect on energy, reform power system via KYODO NEWS

Japan’s last operating nuclear reactor went offline on May 5 for routine maintenance, leaving the nation without any operating nuclear plants. The shutdown happened to coincide with Children’s Day, on which the nation contemplates the happiness and well-being of its … Continue reading

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RWE plans €5bn renewable energy investment via Business Green

RWE plans €5bn renewable energy investment German utility to expand wind and biomass energy capacity in the UK and Poland, as well as step up North Sea offshore wind investment By BusinessGreen staff 12 Jan 2012 German energy giant RWE … Continue reading

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The Myth of Renewable Energy via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Somehow, people across the entire enviro-political spectrum seem to have reached a tacit, near-unanimous agreement about what renewable means: It’s an energy category that includes solar, wind, water, biomass, and geothermal power. As the US Energy Department explains it to … Continue reading

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Renewable energy law may lack needed ‘teeth’ via Asahi Japan Watch

August 26, 2011 The intentions may be honorable, but a new energy law promoting natural power sources may already have had the wind knocked out of its sails before it even becomes law. The special measures bill on renewable energy, … Continue reading

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Fukushima Gives Renewable Energy a Chance via IPS

TOKYO, Aug 21, 2011 (IPS) – After decades of not bothering to switch off the lights in unoccupied rooms in their Tokyo home, Masayoshi Sakurai and his children now meticulously make sure they do. “My wife used to badger us … Continue reading

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