Tag Archives: nuclear energy


DAN ROBITZSKI […] That’s according to research published Monday in the journal Nature Energy, which shows that countries that adopted nuclear energy didn’t actually reduce their carbon emissions a significant amount — but that countries with renewable energy investments did. It’s a compelling … Continue reading

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Three takeaways from the 2020 World Nuclear Industry Status Report via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By John Krzyzaniak, September 25, 2020 The size of the global nuclear fleet has been stagnant for 30 years, and last year was no different. According to the 2020 World Nuclear Industry Status Report, released Thursday, there were 408 nuclear reactors online … Continue reading

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Corruption scandals expose nuclear industry for what it is via Augusta Free Press

By Tim Judson, David Kraft and Pat Marida Proponents of nuclear energy like to present it as a cutting-edge technology that would save us from climate disaster. But recent corruption scandals in Ohio and Illinois have shown the nuclear industry … Continue reading

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Science is objective—but are all scientists objective? via Nation of Change

By Karl Grossman August 25, 2020 There is science—and then there is scientific vested interests. With a denier of science in The White House—whether it has to do with the climate crisis or Covid-19 and so on—there is a major … Continue reading

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Commentary: Excelon’s nuclear hostage tactics must end via Chicago Tribune

“Nuclear Hostage Crisis: Day 2,363” Yes, that’s right. It was March 9, 2014, when Exelon announced that it would close its nuclear plants if the Illinois legislature, under House Speaker Michael Madigan’s watchful eye, did not bail them out. The … Continue reading

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Commentary: Exelon’s nuclear hostage crisis tactics must end via Chicago Tribune

By DAVID KRAFT “Nuclear Hostage Crisis: Day 2,363” Yes, that’s right. It was March 9, 2014, when Exelon announced that it would close its nuclear plants if the Illinois legislature, under House Speaker Michael Madigan’s watchful eye, did not bail them … Continue reading

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Standing up to Rosatom via Beyond Nuclear International

Anti-nuclear resistance in Russia: problems protests, reprisals The following is a report from the Russian Social Ecological Union (RSEU)/ Friends of the Earth Russia, slightly edited for length. You can read the report in full here. It is a vitally important document … Continue reading

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Starting the Olympic torch relay in Fukushima should remind us of the dangers of nuclear power via The Japan Times

BY CASSANDRA JEFFERY AND M. V. RAMANA VANCOUVER – If the Tokyo Olympics are held on schedule, thousands of athletes will soon come to Japan. Considering the multiple reactors that melted down there nine years ago, in March 2011, the government’s decision to start … Continue reading

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Weatherwatch: nuclear energy now surplus to needs via The Guardian

Paul Brown Baseload argument no longer true when large quantities of cheaper renewable energy available Some myths are hard to kill, especially when they once contained a grain of truth, and keeping outdated ideas alive might save a dying industry. … Continue reading

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Nuclear’s ‘safe and green’ image is the industry’s devious hoax via Cape Cod Times

Jack Edmonston is hardly alone in embracing the nuclear industry’s hoax that such energy is a “safe and green” fossil fuel alternative (“Climate change is scarier than nuclear power,” My View, Dec. 28). […] For example, nuclear plant manufacturer General … Continue reading

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