Tag Archives: NRC

A Little Radiation May be A Big Deal via The Intelligencer: Wheeling News-Register

WHEELING – The natural gas wastewater that GreenHunter Water plans to recycle in Warwood can contain trace amounts of radioactive radium and radon, according to the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission. A section of Wheeling City Code forbids radioactivity from occurring … Continue reading

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San Diego hosts famous skeptics of nuclear safety  via U-T San Diego

Several key figures in the recent history of nuclear power — including the former Japanese prime minister who presided over the Fukushima disaster two years ago — are scheduled to speak at a public event Tuesday in downtown San Diego. … Continue reading

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Sorrell, attorney generals from New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts petition Nuclear Regulatory Commission via VTDigger.org

Vermont and three other states have petitioned the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to re-evaluate the environmental impacts of long-term storage of spent radioactive fuel on nuclear plant sites. Vermont Attorney General Bill Sorrell and the Department of Public Service joined attorney … Continue reading

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San Onofre Power Plant Ruling Sides with Environmentalists via Huffington Post

LOS ANGELES — A federal panel Monday sided with environmentalists who have called for lengthy hearings on a plan to restart the ailing San Onofre nuclear power plant – a decision that further clouds the future of the twin reactors. … Continue reading

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Los Angeles to San Onofre: Not So Fast! via Nukefree.org

A unanimous Los Angeles City Council has demanded the Nuclear Regulatory Commission conduct extended investigations before any restart at the San Onofre atomic power plant. The move reflects a deep-rooted public opposition to resumed operations at reactors perched in a … Continue reading

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Former NRC chairman: all 104 U.S. nuclear reactors suffer from “irreparable” safety issues via Homeland Security News Wire

According to former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) chairman Gregory Jaczko, all 104 nuclear reactors in the United States currently have irreparable safety issues and should be shut down and replaced. Jaczko was the NRC chairman from 2009 through 2012. According … Continue reading

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Sen. Boxer Blasts Report on San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station via SanDiego6.com

SAN DIEGO (CNS) – Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., Wednesday blasted a preliminary finding by Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff that restarting a unit at the idled San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station would not present significant safety hazards. Officials with Southern California … Continue reading

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米原発で事故、作業員1人死亡 放射能漏れはなし via AFPBB News

【4月1日 AFP】米アーカンソー(Arkansas)州ラッセルビル(Russellville)にあるアーカンソー・ニュークリア・ワン(Arkansas Nuclear One)原子力発電所で3月31日、1号機のタービン建屋から搬出中の発電機の一部が落下する事故が発生し、作業員1人が死亡、3人が負傷した。運営会社と州当局によれば、放射能漏れの恐れはないという。 事故が起きたのは、31日午前7時45分(日本時間同日午後9時45分)ごろ。同原発を運営する米電力会社エンタジー・オペレーションズ(Entergy Operations)によると、落下したのは発電機固定子という部分だという。 (中略) アーカンソー州保健当局は、事故が起きたのは放射線区域外であり、一般公衆の健康と安全に対する危険はないと強調している。 エンタジーは全米最大の原子力発電事業者。今回の事故は 米原子力規制委員会(Nuclear Regulatory Commission、NRC)の4段階の分類の中で最もレベルが低い「異常事象」に該当する。 全文は米原発で事故、作業員1人死亡 放射能漏れはなし 当サイト関連記事: One dead, three injured in Arkansas nuclear plant accident via NBCNews.com  

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INTERVIEW: Former U.S. nuke watchdog chair says regulators must stay independent via The Asahi Shimbun

[…] In a recent interview with The Asahi Shimbun in Washington, Gregory Jaczko, former chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), said it is crucial for a nuclear watchdog to stay independent from the nuclear industry. Jaczko, who, unlike … Continue reading

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In U.S., nuclear energy loses momentum amid economic head winds, safety issues via

[…] On Monday, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reiterated its refusal to issue a license for a new unit at Calvert Cliffs, Md., that a French company had hoped to make the model for a fleet of reactors. A pair … Continue reading

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