Tag Archives: health effects

Toxique: The Aftermath of French Nuclear Testing in the South Pacific via Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

By B. Rose Huber Between 1966 and 1996, the French government conducted 193 nuclear weapon tests in the islands of the South Pacific. These explosions profoundly altered the health, wellbeing, and environment of the people living in this region, who … Continue reading

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Cancer plagues West Valley nuke workers via Investigative Post

Federal program has paid former employees $20.3 million in compensation. Other claims are pending and still more workers are unaware of the program.By Phil Gambini David Pyles says he lives on painkillers and moves with the help of a cane and … Continue reading

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A grim reality: Living longterm in radioactively contaminated areas damages our health via Beyond Nuclear International

By Cindy Folkers A growing body of evidence supports a grim reality: that living in radioactively contaminated areas over multiple years results in harmful health impacts, particularly during pregnancy.  This is borne out in a recent study by Anton V. Korsakov, Emilia V. … Continue reading

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A Voice for Nuclear Victims via Catholic Outlook

By David Aquije, 15 January 2021 After Japan lifted its state of emergency, due to the coronavirus, on May 31, Maryknoll Sister Kathleen Reiley expressed relief that COVID-19 was settling down in the country. But, she said, “The problem with the … Continue reading

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Deb Abrahamson, environmental activist on Spokane Reservation, dies at 66 via KREM2

Author: Morgan Trau (KREM) The Spokane Tribe blames mining pollution and uranium contamination for the cancer that ultimately took Abrahamson’s life. SPOKANE COUNTY, Wash — A life of service was cut short on New Year’s Day. Longtime activist on the Spokane … Continue reading

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Air Force Veterans of Plutonium Dust Disaster Win Class Action Standing via CounterPunch

BY JOHN LAFORGE Air force veterans exposed to plutonium after a first-ever US nuclear weapons disaster in Spain have won extremely rare recognition as a class in a lawsuit against the Department of Veterans Affairs. On Jan. 17, 1966, an air … Continue reading

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Victims of Nuclear Bomb Tests on U.S. Soil 75 Years Ago Continue to Seek Justice via Independent Media Institute/Portside

By Satya Vatti “They thought the world was coming to an end,” Genoveva Peralta Purcella explains. On July 16, 1945, the first-ever nuclear bomb was tested in New Mexico, in the Southwestern United States. The detonation was code-named “Trinity.” It … Continue reading

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Children of Atomic Veterans Carry Heavy Genetic Burden: Victoria Moore via Nuclear Hotseat

This Week’s Featured Interview: Children of Atomic Veterans focuses on medical and genetic issues in those whose parents – primarily fathers – were exposed to nuclear radiation during the atomic bomb tests in the south Pacific 1946-1962.  Victoria Moore is one such child.  Her father was head … Continue reading

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Japan faces another Fukushima disaster crisis via climate news network

November 3rd, 2020, by Paul Brown […] The water, contained in a thousand giant tanks, has been steadily accumulating since the nuclear accident in 2011. It has been used to cool the three reactors that suffered a meltdown as a result … Continue reading

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Losing paradise via Beyond Nuclear International

Atomic racism decimated Kiribati and the Marshall Islands; now climate change is sinking them This is an extract from the Don’t Bank on the Bomb Scotland report “Nuclear Weapons, the Climate and Our Environment”. Kiribati In 1954, the government of … Continue reading

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