Tag Archives: health effects

Data on illnesses other than cancer (2010-2017) from Minimamisoma Municipal General Hospital, Fukushima (Part 1) via Etsuji Watanabe

( Minamisoma City Councilperson Koichi Oyama succeeded in having Minamisoma Municipal Hospital disclose patient statistics from 2010-2017 for public discussion at a Council meeting on September 12, 2018. “Summary” below calculated by Etsuji Watanabe from figures in “Disorders” chart obtained … Continue reading

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Turning to scientific outliers, EPA says a little radiation may be healthy via CBS News

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is quietly moving to weaken U.S. radiation regulations, turning to scientific outliers who argue that a bit of radiation damage is actually good for you — like a little bit of sunlight. The government’s current, decades-old … Continue reading

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Does living near a nuclear plant give children cancer? via Beyond Nuclear International

By Cindy Folkers   Nuclear regulators don’t want you to know More than 60 studies have shown increases of childhood leukemia around nuclear facilities worldwide. Despite this finding, there has never been independent analysis in the US examining connections between childhood cancer … Continue reading

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The effects of French nuclear testing in the Pacific are still reverberating via Noted

Bill Ralston talks to military man who spent time in the Pacific where France tested nuclear weapons. Denis had a problem. We were sitting talking in a cafe in Collioure, a gorgeous coastal village on the Mediterranean’s Côte Vermeille, about … Continue reading

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In a First, Japan Says Fukushima Radiation Caused Worker’s Cancer Death via The New York Times

By Motoko Rich TOKYO — More than seven years after a devastating earthquake and tsunami triggered meltdowns at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan acknowledged for the first time this week that a worker died from cancer after being exposed … Continue reading

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Australians fighting to stop four disastrous uranium mines via Beyond Nuclear

Fighting for life in the “place of death” describes the now 40-year-long struggle to stop the Yeelirrie uranium mine, with Traditional Owners and environmental groups in court in an endeavor to stop it. Read the story. And Marcus Atkinson and his … Continue reading

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International Campaign “Tokyo 2020 – The Radioactive Olympics” via IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War)

In 2020, Japan is inviting athletes from around the world to take part in the Tokyo Olympic Games. We are hoping for the games to be fair and peaceful. At the same time, we are worried about plans to host … Continue reading

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KIDS AND CANCER | Resident of nearby Rocketdyne shines light on unusual diagnoses via VC Reporter

“I’m sorry, but that’s not possible,” Melissa Bumstead said to another patient’s mother whom she met in a hospital hallway. “Childhood cancer is really rare. I don’t think it’s possible that we could live so close to each other.” But … Continue reading

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Federal health officials agree radioactive waste in St. Louis area may be linked to cancer via CBS

The federal government confirms some people in the St. Louis area may have a higher risk of getting cancer. A recent health report found some residents who grew up in areas contaminated by radioactive waste decades ago may have increased … Continue reading

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Uranium Film Festival in the American Southwest 2018 Schedule via The Uranium Film Festival

  Since 2011 the International Uranium Film Festival shows world-wide movies and documentaries about the risks of radioactivity and nuclear power.  After the screenings in Berlin from October 9th to 14th the Uranium Film will travel this year to  the … Continue reading

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