Tag Archives: Harvey Wasserman

Is Dr. James Hansen Actually Anti-Nuke? via EcoWatch

By Harvey Wasserman Dr. James Hansen has repeatedly billed himself as an advocate of nuclear power. Yet sometimes things are so far removed from reality as to not be what they appear to be. Hansen published an article with three … Continue reading

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Nuclear Reactors Make ISIS an Apocalyptic Threat via Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman s you read this, a terror attack has put atomic reactors in Ukraine at the brink of another Chernobyl-scale apocalypse. Transmission lines have been blown up. Power to at least two major nuclear power stations has been … Continue reading

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Why Bernie and Hillary Must Address America’s Dying Nuke Reactors via Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman s the first Democrat presidential debate finally approaches (on Oct. 13), America’s nuke power industry is in accelerated collapse. The few remaining construction projects in the U.S. and Europe are engineering and economic disasters. Presidential candidates Hillary … Continue reading

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50 Reasons We Should Fear the Worst From Fukushima via EcoWatch/Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman ndeed, the official presumption has always been that showing proof of damage from nuclear Bomb tests and commercial reactors falls to the victims, not the perpetrators. And that in any case, the industry will be held virtually … Continue reading

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The Crisis at Fukushima 4 Demands a Global Take-Over via Scoop Independent News

By Harvey Wasserman We are now within two months of what may be humankind’s most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis. There is no excuse for not acting. All the resources our species can muster must be focussed on … Continue reading

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Fukushima Is Already Harming Our Children via Reader Supported News

hyroid abnormalities have now been confirmed among tens of thousands of children downwind from Fukushima. They are the first clear sign of an unfolding radioactive tragedy that demands this industry be buried forever. Two years after Fukushima exploded, three still-smoldering … Continue reading

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Why the Nuclear Industry Is Beginning to Collapse via AlterNet

By Harvey Wasserman Two more atomic dominoes have hit the deck. At least a half-dozen more teeter on the brink, which would take the US reactor count under 100. But can we bury them before the next Fukushima erupts? And … Continue reading

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Japan’s Long Atomic Sayonara via Nukefree.org

By Harvey Wasserman As demonstrators from the Coalition Against Nukes prepare to descend on Washington DC and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the world’s third-largest economy has taken a landmark step toward Solartopia. A pro-nuclear Japanese government has announced it will … Continue reading

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Why Should Nuke Guarantees Cost Less Than Home or Student Loans? via Reader Supported News

by Harvey Wasserman he Department of Energy wants to give the Southern Company a nuclear power loan guarantee at better interest rates than you can get on a student loan. And unlike a home mortgage, there may be no down … Continue reading

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