Tag Archives: climate change

A false fix for climate change via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

John Dudley Miller In Nuclear 2.0: Why a Green Future Needs Nuclear Power, British environmental activist and author Mark Lynas proposes a solution to Earth’s most pressing problem: To halt global warming by 2030—that is, to keep the average temperature … Continue reading

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The President’s Pro-Nuclear Rhetoric vs. His Anti-Nuclear Policies via The Foundry

Regardless of what one thinks about climate change policy, producing more unsubsidized, affordable, clean, reliable, emissions-free power is a laudable goal. That is why, of all the recommendations that the President puts forth, increasing nuclear energy is perhaps the one … Continue reading

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The President’s Climate Action Plan via The Executive Office of the President

Expanding Clean Energy Use and Cut Energy Waste: Roughly 84 percent of current carbon dioxide emissions are energy-related and about 65 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to energy supply and energy use. The Obama Administration has … Continue reading

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Fukushima Meltdown’s 2nd Anniversary Brings Protests Against Japan’s Reliance on Nuclear Power via Democracy Now!

Japan stands at a crossroads over its reliance on nuclear power as the country marks the second anniversary of one of the world’s worst atomic disasters. On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami that struck Japan’s … Continue reading

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Unspeakable suffering: the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons via Reaching Critical Will

This publication examines the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons and is aimed for civil society actors, academics, and governments that are interested in approaching weapons negotiations with a humanitarian lens. We hope it will be useful for the upcoming period … Continue reading

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We don’t need nuclear power to meet climate goals and keep the lights on via the guardian

It would be a folly to think that there is no hope of tackling climate change without nuclear power Making the case for new nuclear this week, George Monbiot admitted that, what with the proposed nuclear waste dump in Cumbria … Continue reading

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A Global Call: Eco Warriors, Arise! by Vandana Shiva via Reader Supported News

n June 2012, movements and leaders will meet in Rio for Rio+20, two decades after the Earth Summit was organised in 1992 to address urgent ecological challenges such as species extinction, biodiversity erosion and climate change. The Earth Summit gave … Continue reading

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Nuclear power needed to fight climate change says Al-Khalili via BBC News

The scientist, author and broadcaster Prof Jim Al-Khalili says “we have to change our views on nuclear power” as he addressed concerns after the Fukushima plant leak in Japan. The professor of nuclear physics said nuclear was affordable, secure and … Continue reading

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Doomsday Clock moves to five minutes to midnight via The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

It is five minutes to midnight. Two years ago, it appeared that world leaders might address the truly global threats that we face. In many cases, that trend has not continued or been reversed. For that reason, the Bulletin of … Continue reading

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Fidel Castro warns of climate change, nuclear threat via France 24

AFP – Cuba’s iconic revolutionary Fidel Castro warned that the world was on an “inexorable” march into the abyss this year because of climate change and the threat of nuclear war. In an article published Thursday — Castro’s first since … Continue reading

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