Tag Archives: climate change

After Pilgrim closes, a nuclear graveyard via The Boston Globe

CRITICS OF the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth — and there are many — have long portrayed it as a catastrophe waiting to happen. Their doomsday scenarios depict an accident or terrorist attack that causes a massive radiation leak, … Continue reading

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After Pope’s Speech, House Turns to Bill That Bars Tallying “Social Cost” of Carbon via The National Journal

Con­gress will wel­come Pope Fran­cis with open arms Thursday, but the hours after his speech will likely bring fresh evid­ence that his calls for cli­mate-change ac­tion are un­likely to al­ter House GOP policy goals. Later Thursday, the House is slated … Continue reading

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NY congressman questions impact of climate change on nuclear facilities via SNL

By Matthew Bandyk Citing a recent incident at Entergy Corp.’s Pilgrim plant in Massachusetts, Tonko questioned the four members of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission about what should be done about this potential problem as they testified at a Sept. … Continue reading

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Japan’s nuclear revival won’t lower carbon emissions enough via Nature

The Sendai Nuclear Power Plant on the island of Kyushu broke a four-year lull on 11 August when it switched one of its reactors back on. The restart is the first since Japan’s nuclear-power industry ground to a halt two … Continue reading

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Do We Need To Go Nuclear On Climate Change? via Forbes

[…] It would be easy to dismiss such appeals as so much self-serving industry propaganda — not least because Whitman herself serves as a co-chair of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition, a Washington DC-based outfit that bills itself as … Continue reading

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There’s a gender divide on nuclear power, but it doesn’t mean what you think it means via Vox

Over at Morning Consult, they’ve done a survey on attitudes toward nuclear power, and according to reporter Davis Burroughs, nuclear reactors “face pronounced unpopularity among an unexpected bloc: women.” […] So what are you saying? In the name of heading … Continue reading

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Losing Paradise: The People Displaced by Atomic Bombs and Now Climate Change via Reader Supported News (The Guardian)

n 1946 an American commodore gathered Lirok Joash and her people together and asked them to temporarily leave their homes on Bikini Atoll. The US needed somewhere to test its atomic bombs. It would be, said the navy man, “for … Continue reading

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An end to nuclear power in Illinois? via WBEZ

Carol Browner, one of our guests on yesterday’s show, is the former EPA administrator under President Clinton, who also served in the Obama administration. Now she helps lead a group called Nuclear Matters, which is bullish on nuclear power. Today, … Continue reading

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President Obama, Cut Dirty Nuclear Power From Your Climate-Change Talks via The New Republic

President Barack Obama is getting serious about climate change, a challenge that “poses a greater threat to future generations” than any other, he said in last week’s State of the Union. In July, his administration announced an EPA regulation to … Continue reading

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Nuclear: Carbon Free, but Not Free of Unease via The New York Times

Next week, if all goes as planned, the 42-year-old nuclear reactor at the Vermont Yankee generating station will be shut down for the last time. The steam turbine at the plant, which at its peak could make enough electricity for … Continue reading

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