Search Results for: France

Seeing a New Future for French Nuclear Site, After the Toxic Dust Has Settled via The New York Times

VAUJOURS, France — On a walk through her garden on a recent afternoon, Lisa Leclerc ran a Geiger counter over her mushrooms. “See, normal,” she said, looking at a reading showing ordinary background levels of radiation. The reading may have … Continue reading

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US opposes post-Fukushima nuclear safety proposal via RT

Reuters and Bloomberg News both reported this week that Swiss officials are seeking addendums to the 77-nation Convention on Nuclear Safety, or CNS, so that countries around the globe are compelled to upgrade energy facilities in hopes of preventing fallout … Continue reading

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De la gestion des flux migratoires par un État nucléariste dans un contexte de catastrophe nucléaire via Fukushima 福島第一

Par Cécile Asanuma-Brice, spécialisée en géographie urbaine, chercheuse associée au Clersé – Université de Lille I et au centre de recherche de la Maison franco-japonaise de Tokyo (1). Trois années se sont écoulées depuis le tremblement de terre suivi d’un … Continue reading

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Nuclear Power Costs Billions More Than Promised via Epoch Times

Since the mid-1990s nuclear power has been staging a comeback. The Fukushima reactor disaster in 2011 may have given a moment of pause, but today 14 countries are building new reactors. The United States generates most of the world’s nuclear … Continue reading

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Akira Mizubayashi : “Le gouvernement japonais minimise Fukushima le plus possible” via metro news

ESSAI – Universitaire et professeur de français à l’université de Tokyo, Akira Mizubayashi dénonce dans son “Petit éloge de l’errance” (Folio/Gallimard) l’irresponsabilité du gouvernement japonais face à la catastrophe de Fukushima, entre souvenirs personnels et évocations artistiques. Akira Mizubayashi écrit … Continue reading

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Vote in Scotland could threaten nuclear deterrent via Albuquerque Journal

[…] The locally governing separatist Scottish National Party has been wooing voters with its promise to use North Sea oil royalties to expand social services, pursue a more Europe-focused foreign policy than that of David Cameron’s Conservative-led coalition government in … Continue reading

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Mouvement de grève des salariés de Tnex, chargés du nettoyage industriel à la centrale nucléaire via L’est Eclair

Nogent-sur-Seine – Les salariés de l’entreprise Tnex, l’un des sous-traitants, spécialisé en nettoyage industriel à la centrale nucléaire, ont manifesté mardi devant le site. Agents Tnex en colère », pouvait-on lire mardi matin sur la banderole tenue par quelques salariés devant … Continue reading

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Radioactive wild boar roaming the forests of Germany via The Telegraph

Tests by the state government of Saxony show that more than one in three wild boars gave off such high levels of radiation, thought to be a legacy of Chernobyl, that they were unfit for human consumption […] But in … Continue reading

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Newly declassified documents reveal how U.S. agreed to Israel’s nuclear program via Haaretz

Documents reveal contacts between Washington and Jerusalem in late 1960s, when some Americans believed the nuclear option would not deter Arab leaders but would trigger an atom bomb race. The Obama administration this week declassified papers, after 45 years of … Continue reading

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Fukushima families sue prefecture, government for radiation exposure during meltdown crisis via The Japan Times

FUKUSHIMA – A group of parents and children who were residing in Fukushima Prefecture when the nuclear disaster unfolded in March 2011 is suing the central and prefectural governments for failing to take sufficient steps to protect children from radiation … Continue reading

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