Search Results for: France

French energy minister expresses support for new nuclear via Power Engineering International

The French minister for energy, Segolene Royal, has indicated that the government is in favour of building a new generation of nuclear reactors to replace France’s ageing fleet. […] President Francois Hollande promised a makeover in France‘s energy policy during … Continue reading

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Solar, nuclear, climate progress possible on Obama India visit via The Japan Times

GANDHINAGAL, INDIA – There could be progress on U.S.-India civil nuclear cooperation, solar power and climate change when U.S. President Barack Obama visits India in two weeks, U.S. officials said on Sunday. While stressing there were no guarantees that some … Continue reading

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World Nuclear Reactor Status as of 1 January 2015 via World Nuclear Industry Status Report

World Nuclear Reactor Status as of 1 January 2015 The Year 2014 is the first one in half a century that no nuclear electricity was generated in Japan. As of 1 January 2015, there were 390 nuclear reactors considered “in … Continue reading

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Rosatom set to build Jordan’s first nuclear power plant via PennEnergy

Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation is set to build Jordan’s first nuclear power station, according to a release from the Russian government. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has approved a draft agreement for the construction and maintenance of the new … Continue reading

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U.S., UK face nuclear disarmament pressure at Vienna meeting via Reuters

(Reuters) – The United States and Britain took part for the first time on Monday in an international conference on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons and were expected to face pressure to do more to eliminate their atomic arsenals. … Continue reading

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South Pacific islands prepare to sue French government for $1billion over nuclear tests via The Independent

The French Polynesia Assembly is preparing to ask Francois Holland’s government for nearly a billion dollars in compensation for damage caused to the islands by nuclear weapons tests. Conservative anti-independence Tahoera’a Huiraatira party committee has apparently taken issue with the … Continue reading

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Shale: an overlooked option for US nuclear waste disposal via Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Toss a dart at a map of the United States and, more often than not, it will land where shale can be found underground. A drab, relatively featureless sedimentary rock that historically attracted little interest, shale (as used here, the term … Continue reading

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Hinkley Point nuclear plant ‘threatened by Areva financial crisis’ via The Telegraph

Reactor-maker Areva’s stake in new UK nuclear plant called into question amid financial difficulties Plans for Britain’s first new nuclear plant in a generation could be threatened by a financial crisis at the company supplying the reactor, experts claimed last … Continue reading

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Nuclear power’s dark future via The Japan Times

Nuclear power constitutes the world’s most subsidy-fattened energy industry, yet it faces an increasingly uncertain future. The global nuclear power industry has enjoyed growing state subsidies over the years, even as it generates the most dangerous wastes whose safe disposal … Continue reading

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仏原発にまた謎の無人機、東部のビュジェ原発 via AFP

【11月9日 AFP】フランス東部ビュジェ(Bugey)の原子力発電所は8日、正体不明の無人機が6日に同原発上空を飛行したと明らかにした。 同原発のホームページに掲載された発表によると、「原発の監視担当チームが、無人機に類似した機体が原発敷地の境界付近の飛行禁止空域に侵入しているのを確認した」という。 同原発の周辺ではこれ以前にも4機の飛来が確認されているが、これまでのところ原発の稼働への影響は出ていない。 今年10月19日以降にフランス国内の原発周辺で飛行しているのが見つかった正体不明の無人機は、これで19機となった。 続きは仏原発にまた謎の無人機、東部のビュジェ原発 当サイト既出関連記事: Mystery Drones in France Expose Vulnerability of Nuclear Sites via Bloomberg

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