Search Results for: France

Nuclear Waste Ship will be Denied Entry to Indonesian Waters via GIV News

Jakarta, – Indonesia’s Maritime Security Board (Bakamla) will request the Navy to prevent a vessel carrying 125 tons of nuclear waste from France to Australia from entering the Indonesian waters. “Our investigation has found that the vessel had ever … Continue reading

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Seven locations make nuclear waste dump shortlist via The Sydney Morning Herald

Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg is poised to release a shortlist of sites that could play host to a permanent nuclear waste storage facility in Australia. […] The facility will store low and intermediate-level radioactive waste from Lucas Heights and Australian-produced … Continue reading

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Aboriginal women reaffirm fight against nuclear waste dump in South Australia via ABC Online

The first shipment of Australia’s nuclear waste to be returned from re-processing in France has now left a French port, and will arrive on our shores by the end of the year. The return of the 25 tonnes of nuclear … Continue reading

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Risks of leukemia in nuclear workers more than double previous estimate via The Ecologist

Are low levels of nuclear radiation good for you? Or merely harmless, as many nuclear advocates want you to think? Sadly not, writes Ian Fairlie. A huge new study finds ‘strong evidence’ of a dose-response relationship between cumulative, external, chronic, … Continue reading

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Nuclear power plants in ‘culture of denial’ over hacking risk via The Financial Times

[…] A focus on safety and high physical security means that many nuclear facilities are blind to the risks of cyber attacks, according to the report by think-tank Chatham House, citing 50 incidents globally of which only a handful have … Continue reading

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仏首相、原子力セクター再編への関与を安倍首相に提案 via ロイター

[東京 5日 ロイター] – 来日しているフランスのバルス首相は、安倍晋三首相との会談し、仏原子力セクター再編に対する日本の業界の関与を提案したと述べた。 続きは仏首相、原子力セクター再編への関与を安倍首相に提案

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INWORKS study: risk of leukaemia from protracted radiation exposure via The Lancet Haematology

[Summary] I am writing in response to the Article by Klervi Leuraud and colleagues reporting the findings of the INWORKS study.1 The authors analysed the association between deaths caused by leukaemia and lymphoma of radiation-monitored workers in the nuclear industry … Continue reading

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Fukushima: the World’s Never Seen Anything Like This via Counterpunch

By Robert Hunziker The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No. 2 nuclear reactor fuel is missing from the core containment vessel. (Source: Up to 100% of No. 2 Reactor Fuel May Have Melted, NHK World News, Sept. 25, 2015.) Where … Continue reading

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Radiation Impact Studies: Chernobyl and Fukushima via Dissident Voice

[…] The short answer to the supposition that a “little dab of radiation is A-Okay” may be suggested in the title of a Washington Blog d/d March 12, 2014 in an interview of Dr. Timothy Mousseau, the world-renowned expert on … Continue reading

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Australia defends opposition to global push for nuclear weapons ban via The Guardian

Foreign affairs department ‘sees no value’ in a pledge, endorsed by 116 countries to eliminate nuclear weapons worldwide Australia has defended its position on nuclear disarmament, saying a push for a global treaty banning nuclear weapons “will not lead to … Continue reading

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