Possible leak investigated at US nuclear site after worker discovers radioactive materials on clothing via Independent

The Double-Shell Tank AZ-101 contains 800,000 gallons of nuclear waste

A possible leak is being investigated at a US nuclear facility after radioactive material was found on a worker’s clothing.

The probe began after a contractor with Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS), detected a spike in radiation levels on a device called a “crawler” that had been pulled out of a nuclear waste tank.

“Established decontamination procedures were followed, which involves removing the contaminated clothing. Further surveying the worker showed no contamination remained. No other workers were affected, and all members of the crew were cleared for normal duty,” said WRPS spokesman Peter Bengtson.

The Double-Shell Tank AZ-101 contains 800,000 gallons of nuclear waste, according to the Washington Department of Ecology, which oversees the Hanford site.


Located in south-central Washington, the former plutonium production site was used to help develop the American nuclear arsenal 70 years ago.

A private contractor has since been hired by the USDOA on a $110 billion (£84.4 billion) project to clean up 56 million gallons of chemical and nuclear waste, stored in approximately 177 underground tanks.

Read more at Possible leak investigated at US nuclear site after worker discovers radioactive materials on clothing 

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