Abe Denies Possibility of Mulling Nuclear Weapon Possession via Jiji press

 Hiroshima, Aug. 6 (Jiji Pres)–Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday flatly denied the possibility that the country will consider possessing nuclear weapons.

“It’s impossible for Japan to possess nuclear weapons or even consider holding them,” Abe told a press conference in Hiroshima where he attended a memorial ceremony on the 71st anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of the city.

“As our national policy, we stick to the three nonnuclear principles” of not producing, possessing or allowing nuclear weapons in the country’s territory, Abe said.

On Wednesday, new Defense Minister Tomomi Inada told her inaugural press conference that Japan should not consider the possession of nuclear weapons at present, although things may change in the future. The prime minister said her remark does not contradict the government’s policy.

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