‘Pokémon GO’ Found In Toxic Nuclear Plant In Japan: Authorities Say Stay Away via Forbes

The nuclear disaster at Fukushima is far from over. Even though five years have passed since an earthquake and tsunami caused a catastrophic nuclear melt-down, nothing has been decided yet on how to extract the melted nuclear fuel or how to decommission the crippled Fukushima Daiichi (No 1) and Daini (No 2) nuclear power plants.

Into that mix now comes news of the potential for ‘Pokémon GO’ players to inadvertently stray inside contaminated sites while playing the smash hit smartphone game.

According to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the controversial operator of the crippled nuclear reactors at Fukushima, ‘Pokémon GO’ characters have been discovered inside the grounds of Fukushima Daichi and Daini power plants.

Faced with this new threat, the Nuclear Regulation Authority revealed that it issued a notice to electricity companies about enforcing security to prevent ‘Pokémon GO’ users from entering their facilities, including nuclear power plants.


According to a recent report, the site around Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant now stores more than 200 million gallons of radioactive water, more than enough to fill two Yankee Stadiums to the brim. In addition, thousands of black plastic bags filled with contaminated top soil and foliage also occupy huge tracts of land in and around Fukushima.

Read more at ‘Pokémon GO’ Found In Toxic Nuclear Plant In Japan: Authorities Say Stay Away

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