NRC, Dominion settle dispute over safety pump at Conn. plant via Richmond Times-Dispatch

Dominion Resources Inc., the parent company of Connecticut’s nuclear plant, and federal regulators have reached a settlement over the plant operator’s decision, without regulatory approval, to halt the use of a safety-related pump in the event of a severe accident.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Thursday cited a “willful violation” for changes by Richmond-based energy giant Dominion Resources without a license amendment at its Millstone Unit 2 plant in Waterford, Conn.

Ken Holt, a Millstone spokesman, said Dominion Resources does not agree that the violation was deliberate.

“It’s an item we could not find consensus on. We agreed to disagree,” he said.


Regulators said they became aware in September 2011 that Dominion Resources submitted requests for approval of changes to the Unit 2 operating license that were incomplete and inaccurate.

Robert Klee, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, said the state agency will observe Millstone’s efforts to put in place the “corrective action plan” and will work with federal officials to make sure Dominion Resources follows the agreement.

In exchange for Dominion Resources’ agreement to make the changes, federal regulators agreed not to pursue further enforcement action.

Read more at NRC, Dominion settle dispute over safety pump at Conn. plant

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