‘Nuclear not needed and perfect for graft’ via News 24

Durban – A Russian activist who blew the whistle on South Africa’s pending nuclear marriage with the former Soviet Union believes the deal is all about power; but not the type needed for the grid.

Vladimir Slivyak from the Russian environmental group EcoDefense, leaked the Russian Intergovernmental Framework agreement to South African environmental rights group Earthlife and they in turn unravelled the two countries’ cosy nuclear relationship.

Slivyak said the drive for nuclear power had less to do with energy and more to do with political and geo­political power. “There is evidence that the cost of nuclear energy per megawatt is far more costly than renewable energy and the time to commission the plants can take up to 30 years in some cases while renewable plants take at most two years,” said Slivyak.


Rosatom, Russia’s nuclear build company, claims to have the green light to build 27 reactors globally.

He said while there was risk in the nuclear plant, he said “no country in the world” has been able to “successfully” deal with nuclear waste and its environmental consequences.

“A nuclear deal makes the recipient country reliant on the provider for several decades, from servicings to fuel.

Read more at ‘Nuclear not needed and perfect for graft’

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