The blinding light of British atomic bombs cast a shadow across so many lives,this is their story via Nobody Told Us Anything

Celebrated documentary film maker Charles Stewart has spent the last three years filming the British Nuclear test Veterans Association and other survivors of nuclear testing.

Between 1952 and 1967, in the largest Tri-Service operation since the D-Day landings, over 20,000 servicemen participated in British Nuclear Weapons Tests. The development of these superweapons bought our place at the world superpower table. The cost in human terms has never been fully calculated nor appreciated, in the blinding light of the bombs a shadow was cast across the lives of so many people.

The 2011 British Nuclear Test Veterans Health Needs Audit shows that daunting shadow still hangs over the Veterans. 75% were either certain or thought it possible the tests had damaged their health. Ultimately 84% of veterans believe their main health condition was caused by radiation. A recently released study by Jean-Louis Valatx of 1800 French Nuclear Veterans shows 22.8% of their children with chronic illness and 13.4% of children with congenital anomalies. In the UK 35% of Nuclear Test Veterans suffer from depression or anxiety.

Read more at The blinding light of British atomic bombs cast a shadow across so many lives,this is their story

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