March 8 NO NUKES DAY -Unified Action Against Nuclear Power! Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts! via Metropolitan Coalition Againt Nukes


March 3 NO NUKES DAY Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts

Date: March 8, 2015 (Sunday)
Place: Hibiya Yagai Ongakudo (Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall; often abbreviated as Hibiya Yaon) in Hibiya Park. It is near Kokkaigijido (houses of parliament (Diet))
Organizers:Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action and Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai

<Part 1>
13:00~ Assemble *Place: Hibiya Yaon (Open-Air Concert Hall in Hibiya Park)
14:00~ Protest march followed by encircling of houses of parliament (Diet) *March leaves from Hibiya Park
Organizers: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action and Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai

<Part 2>
15:30~17:00 Assembly in front of houses of parliament (Diet)
Organizer: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes

Almost four years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and ensuing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on March 11, 2011. Yet there is still no resolution to issues surrounding the nuclear disaster and some 120,000 people have still not received satisfactory compensation, forcing them to live in extremely tough conditions.

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has spent decades promoting a nuclear policy when in power. The Abe administration refuses to learn from the Fukushima incident and has thrown out the plan to achieve zero nuclear power generation in the 2030s put forward by the Democratic Party under its Basic Energy Plan. Instead, the LDP has stated that atomic power is an important base load energy source and in order to appease certain interests, namely bureaucrats, politicians and big business, is in great haste to restart nuclear facilities beginning with the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant. Popular opinion has not been swayed amid the state tyranny, however, with the vast majority of people remaining committed to voicing their disapproval of the government’s actions.

Join us on March 8, 2015 for NO NUKES DAY and take part in nationwide action around March 11 for NO NUKES WEEK. Don’t forget that the Fukushima disaster is ongoing and the devastation remains. Let’s make it clear that we, the people of Japan and beyond, do not want or need nuclear power. Now is the time for us to band together and put further pressure on the government. If we all come together, we can make a difference and create a better, safer world free of nuclear power.

More details at March 8 NO NUKES DAY -Unified Action Against Nuclear Power! Remember Fukushima & Halt Restarts! 

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