Nuke power to remain key energy source: METI via The Japan Times Online

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry plans to retain nuclear power generation as one of three pillars of energy supply during discussions by a ministry panel to be created this month, sources said.

The move comes as Prime Minister Naoto Kan is seeking a new energy policy, aimed at accelerating the use of renewable energy sources, amid the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.

METI is apparently aiming to take the initiative in reforming national energy policy by launching the new panel to be set up under its Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, which has effectively developed the country’s energy policies.

An in-house METI document shows it will cite four basic future energy policy priorities after the disaster — fossil fuels, nuclear energy and renewable energy sources on the supply side, and energy conservation on the demand side. It will seek to retain nuclear power plants as one of the three key energy sources, emphasizing that Japan should thoroughly improve nuclear safety standards to secure the world’s highest safety level.

Nuke power to remain key energy source: METI

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