18 Thyroid Cancer Cases Confirmed in Fukushima Children: Preliminary Results of FY2011-2013 Thyroid Ultrasound Examination via Fukushima Voice

Total number of children examined as of June 7, 2013: 216,809

Total number of children whose initial examination results are confirmed: 192,886
Assessment A1 106,823 (no nodules or cysts found)
Assessment A2 84,783 (nodules 5.0 mm or smaller or cysts 20.0 mm or smaller)
Assessment B 1,279 (requiring secondary examination)

Secondary examination results as of July 31, 2013
(including blood and urine tests, more detailed ultrasound examination, and fine-needle aspiration biopsy if needed)
18 papillary thyroid cancers confirmed after surgery (18 boys, 26 girls, age 8-21)
25 suspected of thyroid cancer, awaiting surgery
1 benign nodule

The youngest confirmed of cancer is a girl who was 6 years old at the time of the nuclear accident.

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