The Under-Examined Story of Fallujah via Foreign Policy in Focus

Seven years after the U.S. invasion of Fallujah, there are reports of an alarming rise in the rates of birth defects and cancer. But the crisis, and its possible connection to weapons deployed by the United States during the war, remains woefully under-examined.

Of the current problems in Fallujah, the most alarming is a mounting public health crisis. In the years since the invasion, doctors in Fallujah have reported drastic increases in the number of premature births, infant mortality, and birth defects—babies born without skulls, missing organs, or with stumps for arms and legs. Fallujah General Hospital reported that, out of 170 babies born in September 2009, 24 percent died within the first seven days, of which 75 percent were deformed — as compared to August 2002, when there were 530 babies born, only six deaths, and one deformity. As the years go by, the problem seems to be getting worse, and doctors are increasingly warning women not to have children.

Many residents have suspected a link between the drastic rise in birth defects and the weapons deployed by U.S. military during the war. The United States has admitted to using white phosphorus in Fallujah, a toxin in incendiary bombs that causes severe burns. But it denies targeting civilians or employing a class of armor-piercing weapons that contain depleted uranium, a byproduct of nuclear weapons used in the production of munitions and armory and known to cause mutagenic illnesses.

In a follow-up study, Busby and his team tested hair samples from 25 mothers and fathers of children with genetic abnormalities in Fallujah. In addition to normally occurring elements, they found uranium. The study, published in the October 2011 issue of the Journal of Conflict and Health, concluded that this was a “primary” or “related cause” of the increase in birth defects and cancer in Fallujah. In a recent interview on Russia Today, Busby explained that, although the research team expected to find depleted uranium, they actually found a slightly enriched form of the element. This has led him to speculate that a “whole new set of anti-personnel weapons” was secretly deployed in Fallujah and possibly elsewhere.

Continue reading at The Under-Examined Story of Fallujah

◇See Chris Busby’s rebuttal video on attacks mounted on him by George Monbiot in The Guardianat Busby rebuttalfor elaboration on the possibility of enriched uranium weapons deployed by the U.S.

◇For The Guardianarticle, see Post-Fukushima “radiation pills” condemned by scientists

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2 Responses to The Under-Examined Story of Fallujah via Foreign Policy in Focus

  1. Roger says:

    This article is full of false and misleading information and does not belong on your site. Depleted Uranium was never used in Fallujah. DU penetrators were used to kill tanks. There were no tank battles in 2003 and no enemy tanks to battle in either of the two battles of 2004. Busby is a fakir. Here are recent articles about Busby. If you like liars and con artists who misuse their academic degrees, Busby is your kind of guy. Even the Guardian that used to adore Busby’s pseudoscientific pronouncements has begun to wonder – they lead this set of articles.

    Write me DUStory dash owner at Yahoo Groups dot com

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