Tag Archives: renewables

Ontario can phase out nuclear and avoid increased carbon emissions via The Conversation

s wind and solar energy have become cheaper, they’ve become a more prominent and important way to generate clean electricity in most parts of the world. The Ontario government, on the other hand, is cancelling renewable energy projects at a reported … Continue reading

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Fossil fuels fall to record low proportion of UK energy mix via The Guardian

The proportion of the UK’s power generation mix made up by fossil fuels has fallen to a record low after renewable energy became the UK’s largest source of electricity. Government figures showed the UK relied on renewables, such as wind and solar, … Continue reading

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The Tantalizing Nuclear Mirage via The American Prospect

Many see nuclear power as a necessary part of any carbon-neutral mix. The reality isn’t so simple. BY ALEXANDER SAMMON DECEMBER 5, 2019 […] So does the Green New Deal need nuclear to achieve its lofty goals? Does zero-carbon energy infrastructure … Continue reading

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Nuclear Industry’s $23 Billion Bailout Request Shows Why It Should Have ‘No Role to Play’ in Solving Climate Crisis: Study via Common Dreams

by Eoin Higgins, staff writer A proposed bailout of the U.S. nuclear power industry that could cost taxpayers $23 billion over the next 10 years is a perfect example of why the climate crisis needs solutions that focus on renewable … Continue reading

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Wind and solar kill coal and nuclear on costs, says latest Lazard report via Renew Economy

The cost of wind and solar continue to decline and are now at the point where they beat, or at least match, even the marginal costs of coal-fired generation and nuclear power, according to the 13th and latest edition of … Continue reading

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The false promise of nuclear power via Boston Globe

By Robert Jay Lifton and Naomi Oreskes Commentators from Greenpeace to the World Bank agree that climate change is an emergency, threatening civilization and life on our planet. Any solution must involve the control of greenhouse gas emissions by phasing … Continue reading

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Ohio Stumbles, with a Team Trump Nudge, Toward Nuclear and Coal via The Progressive

Defying all laws of competitive economics, climate change, and technological progress, the state House has voted in a ratepayer-funded bailout for two aging nuclear power plants. by Harvey Wasserman May 30, 2019 […] If it passes Ohio’s Senate next week, the … Continue reading

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As Reactors Shut in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, Nuke War Rages in Ohio and New York via Reader Supported News

By Harvey Wasserman s the nuke power industry slumps toward oblivion, two huge reactors are shutting in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.  The shutdowns are a body blow to atomic energy. The soaring costs of the decayed US reactor fleet have forced … Continue reading

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Walz touts clean energy jobs amid uncertain nuclear future via AP

By Steve Karnowski ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Gov. Tim Walz and Commerce Commissioner Steve Kelley said Monday that economics suggest nuclear power won’t be part of Minnesota’s energy mix if the state adopts the governor’s goal of getting 100 … Continue reading

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Former NRC chairman remains clearly opposed to nuclear energy via the Las Vegas Sun

Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019 | 2 a.m.   In a perfect world, nuclear energy would be a perfect tool for combating climate change. Nuclear power plants don’t burn fossil fuels, don’t emit greenhouse gases into the environment and don’t speed … Continue reading

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