Tag Archives: Fukui

Fukui disaster drill for simultaneous atomic accidents ends via Japan Times

FUKUI – A nuclear disaster drill for simultaneous accidents at the Oi and Takahama nuclear power plants in Fukui Prefecture ended Sunday after mobilizing 21,000 people. It was the first disaster response drill designed for serious simultaneous accidents at multiple plants … Continue reading

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As residents and reactors age, Fukui’s fortunes fade via The Japan Times

OSAKA – On a gray winter day late last month alternating between rain and sleet, many in the Sea of Japan town of Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, were feeling sunny. For the restart of Kansai Electric Power Co.’s Takahama plant No. … Continue reading

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Town tries to shift away from heavy dependence on nuclear plant via The Japan Times

TAKAHAMA, FUKUI PREF. – In the wake of the disastrous nuclear accident in northeastern Japan nearly five years ago, the Fukui Prefecture town of Takahama has been seeking ways to reduce its heavy dependence on a nuclear power plant for … Continue reading

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Moves to restart Takahama reactors have Fukushima evacuees asking, ‘What was learned?’ via Asahi Shimbun

With the Takahama nuclear power plant getting the green light for a restart, evacuees from Fukushima Prefecture are asking if anything was learned from their plight following the 2011 accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. “I feel … Continue reading

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Thirteen prefectures say no to hosting nuclear waste depository via The Japan Times

A total of 13 out of the nation’s 47 prefectures say they would refuse to host a final disposal site for highly radioactive nuclear waste, a Kyodo News survey showed Saturday. In the survey conducted between late October and early … Continue reading

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Fukushima evacuees, citizens groups vexed by Oi restart decision via the Asahi Shimbun

Among those shaking their heads at the June 16 decision by the central government to resume operations at the Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture are evacuees in Fukushima Prefecture as well as citizens groups urging energy conservation. In … Continue reading

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Protest events scheduled in other U.S. cities, Japan P.M. Noda gives re-start OK to earthquake-threatened reactors CHICAGO—There is an old saying in Japan that “The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.” On Friday, safe-energy advocates in Chicago and around … Continue reading

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How Close Is Japan to Pushing the “On” Button on Reactors? via WSJ Japan Realtime

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Thursday the government’s “close” to a decision on whether to restart two nuclear reactors in western Japan — the first pair in line to switch back on after last year’s terrible accident in Fukushima. So … Continue reading

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Debate growing over ‘local’ reactor consent via The Japan Times Online

OSAKA — Dissent between those inside Fukui Prefecture who want two reactors in the town of Oi restarted quickly and those in adjacent prefectures who want to wait for stronger safety measures or are opposed altogether, highlights the dilemma Tokyo … Continue reading

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Noda moves to speed up restarts via The Japan Times Online

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency on Thursday handed the Cabinet a hastily drafted set of extra safety criteria for reactor restarts the government is hoping will facilitate the process of getting Fukui Prefecture back on atomic energy. Continue reading … Continue reading

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