Tag Archives: evacuation

Japan and IAEA risk Fukushima victims’ lives with forced return via The Ecologist

A massive decontamination exercise is under way in Iitate Village near Fukushima, writes Kendra Ulrich: step one in a plan to force 6,000 residents back into the evacuated zone in 2017. But as radiation levels remain stubbornly high, it looks … Continue reading

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Fukushima town residents protest official’s comment about radiation safety via The Mainichi

Nuclear evacuees from the Fukushima Prefecture town of Naraha have protested over a government official’s comment that he thinks the safety of the town’s drinking water is “a psychological issue.” The whole town was designated as a no-entry zone after … Continue reading

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TEPCO told to pay 27 million yen to family of Fukushima evacuee who killed himself via the Asahi Shimbun

FUKUSHIMA–Tokyo Electric Power Co. has been ordered to pay 27 million yen ($219,500) in compensation to the bereaved family of a male evacuee who committed suicide after being displaced due to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Presiding Judge Naoyuki Shiomi … Continue reading

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Evacuees from Fukushima town get official OK to return home in time for Bon via the Asahi Shimbun

IWAKI, Fukushima Prefecture–Residents of the town of Naraha in Fukushima Prefecture will be allowed to return home permanently in early August since being evacuated after the 2011 nuclear disaster, although it’s unclear how many will. The central government said June … Continue reading

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Fukushima to end housing aid for voluntary evacuees via The Japan Times

FUKUSHIMA – The Fukushima Prefectural Government said Monday it will stop providing free housing at the end of March 2017 to nuclear evacuees whose homes are in official evacuation zones. Housing assistance to the voluntary evacuees, currently set to expire … Continue reading

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At Fukushima, the population is in an inextricable situation via CNRS Journal

Partager Four years after the explosion of a nuclear power plant in Fukushima, the fate of the victims is far from settled. Researcher Cécile Asanuma-Brice deciphers the policy that encourages these people to resettle into contaminated areas. Residing in Japan … Continue reading

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After 4 years, Fukushima nuclear cleanup remains daunting, vast via the Los Angeles Times

[…] The scale and complexity of what Japan is trying to do in the aftermath of the 2011 meltdown at Fukushima is mind-boggling. Decontamination plans are being executed for 105 cities, towns and villages affected by the accident at Fukusima … Continue reading

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Fukushima, Japan four years on: ‘Nuclear power and humans cannot co-exist’ – video via the Guardian

Watch 10-minute video here. Japanese with English subtitles. 日本語、英語の字幕

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Small radiation hot spots in Fukushima to be declared safe via The Japan Times

This Sunday, officials will lift an evacuation advisory for 142 locations in the city of Minamisoma, which will affect 152 households, Yosuke Takagi, state minister of economy, trade and industry, said this weekend during a briefing to residents. Amid complaints … Continue reading

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Beyond reality – or – An illusory ideal: pro-nuclear Japan’s management of migratory flows in a nuclear catastrophe via Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

By Cécile Asanuma-Brice Three years have passed since the earthquake and consequent tsunami of March 11, 2011, which led to the explosion of a nuclear power plant in Northeastern Japan. Since then, a central concern in managing the damage is … Continue reading

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