Tag Archives: energy policy

German, Austrian investors press EC to exclude nuclear from taxonomy via IPE magazine

German and Austrian asset managers have sent a letter to the European Commission asking it not to classify nuclear energy as a sustainable economic activity under the taxonomy framework. The letter was sent under the umbrella of Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen … Continue reading

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Power Generation Cost Working Group Finally Comes up with New Estimate via Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center

By Matsukubo Hajime(CNIC) On July 12, the Working Group on Verification of Power Generation Cost (hereafter, WG) of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, an advisory body to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, announced the outline … Continue reading

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Germany can fulfil entire energy demand with renewables in 10-15 years – report via Clean Energy Wire

Germany’s entire energy demand can be met through renewable energies alone within the next ten to fifteen years, according to a new report by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). The prerequisite for this is that German expansion targets for both … Continue reading

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Solar power to become cheaper than nuclear power by 2030, Japanese government says via Hankyoreh

The ‘nuclear power myth’ has now collapsed not just in terms of safety but also in terms of cost Solar power, an eco-friendly and renewable source of energy, could overtake nuclear power to become the cheapest form of energy by … Continue reading

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The weekend read: Looking at the energy transition’s bigger picture via pv magazine

JULY 10, 2021 MARK HUTCHINS From pv magazine 07/2021 pv magazine: It’s been more than 10 years since you first published work on a 100% renewables system – what has changed since then? Mark Jacobson, director, atmosphere/energy program, Stanford University: The first article … Continue reading

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Exelon Sees No Future in Nuclear Power — Why Should Anyone Else? via NIRS

The largest nuclear power company in the country is ready to cash out.  Exelon Corp. owns 23 operating reactors across five states, as well as five closed reactors. It is also the largest utility company in the nation, with over … Continue reading

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The Taishan death blow via Beyond Nuclear International

By Stéphane Lhomme, Nuclear Observatory If the opacity maintained by the Chinese regime prevents us, for the time being, from knowing the exact consequences of the radioactive leak involving the EPR no.1 reactor at Taishan, revealed on June 14 by … Continue reading

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World has more than enough renewables to move from fossil fuels, scientists say via The National

By Greg Russell THE world has more than enough renewable energy potential to comfortably transition away from fossil fuels and achieve the 1.5C global warming target, while expanding energy access for all, according to scientists. In their Fossil Fuel Exit … Continue reading

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A nuclear plant in a volcano zone? What could possibly go wrong, Mr Gates? via The Conservative Woman

By Kate Dunlop NOT content with being the biggest private landowner in the US, blotting out the sun and jabbing the world, Bill Gates is getting over his divorce by building a ‘next-generation’ nuclear power plant in Wyoming.   The Republican state’s governor Mark Gordon … Continue reading

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Could Ukraine’s nuclear industry face another Chernobyl? via Al Jazeera

Thirty-five years after the disaster, the nuclear industry is Ukraine’s most reliable economic lifeline. But critics say it faces a perennial crisis caused by corruption, safety problems and politicised decision-making. By Mansur Mirovalev26 Apr 2021 Kyiv, Ukraine – The radioactive cloud that … Continue reading

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