Tag Archives: Canada

People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE): Letter to heads of govts via South Asia Mail

We, several millions of people from the southernmost tip of India, are writing to you to seek your support for the peaceful and nonviolent struggle that we have been waging for almost a quarter century against the Koodankulam nuclear power … Continue reading

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Canada to allow civil nuclear trade with India, no timeline via Reuters

(Reuters) – Canadian firms will soon be able export uranium and nuclear reactors to India for the first time in almost four decades, as the result of an agreement reached between the two countries, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said … Continue reading

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Port Hope radiation: $464,615 spent to remediate $130,000 house via the Star

Wally Davis wanted to build a room in the attic of his house. Since he lives in Port Hope, he couldn’t just go ahead and do it. He went to the Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, a federal agency, … Continue reading

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Burying Nuclear Waste at the Bruce: OPG’s Proposed Deep Geological Repository

Ontario Power Generation is asking the federal government to approve their proposal to bury nuclear waste under the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, near Kincardine on the eastern shore of Lake Huron. Called a “Deep Geological Repository”, the burial caverns would … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste seeks a home via the star.com

… Twenty Canadian communities have said they’ll consider volunteering to host the storage site. That list is about to close. The Nuclear Waste Management Organization, whose job it is to find and build the site, will stop taking new names … Continue reading

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Emirates Nuclear Energy awards six service contracts for UAE plants via Future Power Technology

Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) has awarded nuclear-service contracts valued at $3bn to six foreign companies. Under the ENEC fuel supply programme, US-based ConverDyn will provide conversion services; Canada’s Uranium One will provide natural uranium; and URENCO, headquartered in the … Continue reading

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Funds eyed for U.S., Canada cleanup via The Japan Times

The Foreign Ministry will seek funds in an upcoming extra budget to help the United States and Canada dispose of tons of debris from the 2011 tsunami, officials said. With a huge amount of debris expected to reach the U.S. … Continue reading

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Full steam ahead for Darlington nuclear expansion via DurhamRegion.com

Ontario Power Generation officials have cleared another hurdle — an important one — in the bid for a new nuclear build at Darlington.The federal government has given its approval to the environmental assessment of the new build project, with Natural … Continue reading

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Japan’s nuclear evacuees denied Canadian refuge via Calgary Sun

TORONTO – A Japanese woman who claimed exposure to radiation from damaged nuclear reactors has been denied refugee status in Canada almost one year after that nation was rocked by an earthquake and tsunami that left more than 100,000 people homeless. The … Continue reading

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Canada: Fish Eaters Threatened by Fukushima Radiation via Reader Supported News

fter the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years, authorities in Canada said people living here were safe and faced no health risks from the fallout from Fukushima. […] Dewar, the executive director of Physicians for Global Survival, a Canadian … Continue reading

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