Burying Nuclear Waste at the Bruce: OPG’s Proposed Deep Geological Repository

Ontario Power Generation is asking the federal government to approve their proposal to bury nuclear waste under the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, near Kincardine on the eastern shore of Lake Huron.

Called a “Deep Geological Repository”, the burial caverns would be 680 meters ( 2,230 feet) below the surface, approximately 650 metres ( 2,130 feet) inshore from Lake Huron. The wastes would be placed in caverns carved out of the limestone rock.
Low level wastes include contaminated mops, rags, and other industrial items that have become contaminated with low levels of radioactivity during routine clean-up and maintenance activities at nuclear generating stations. Intermediate level radioactive waste consists primarily of used nuclear reactor components, ion-exchange resins and filters used in reactor water filtration systems. Intermediate level wastes are highly radioactive.

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