Search Results for: France

Mayumi Oda on Energy of Change, Feminization and New Birth of Japan via Kyoto Journal

KJ: You came to Japan several times last year following 3.11. What do you see happening at the moment in Japan? Mayumi Oda: It’s a great opportunity to stop nuclear reactors — and probably we will. It’s an amazing coincidence … Continue reading

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RPT-UPDATE 2-S.Korea curbs reliance on nuclear power, but commitment intact via Reuters

* Nuclear power to make up 29 pct of total by 2035 * Revises down plan for nuclear to grow to 41 pct by 2030 * Cut is least stringent of recommended options * South Korea still looking to export … Continue reading

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Washington Leading The Way In The New Nuclear Arms Race via Mint Press News

Plans call for five nuclear submarines, 72 bombers and 240 land-based missile systems to be built from 2024 to 2029. This, in addition to the U.S. nuclear portfolio, would be larger than the strategic nuclear strength of China, France and … Continue reading

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Japan plans nuclear reactor meltdown to help prevent another Fukushima disaster via NBC News

Nuclear scientists in Japan are planning a controlled reactor meltdown in the hope of learning how to prevent disasters like the one at the Fukushima power plant in 2011, according to local media reports. Using a scaled down version of … Continue reading

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Virginia Uranium suspends campaign via the Danville Register and Bee

RICHMOND – A company is suspending its campaign to mine one of the world’s largest known deposits of uranium ore in Virginia, concluding that Gov.-elect Terry McAuliffe’s opposition presents a significant challenge over the next four years. […] McAuliffe, a … Continue reading

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Fukushima Investigator Says Atomic Power Needs Global Black Box via Bloomberg

The global atomic power industry needs to share cross-border information to prevent nuclear accidents, replicating the transparency of international air-traffic control, said the head of the investigation into Japan’s Fukushima disaster. Nuclear plant operators and regulators need an international common … Continue reading

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New-Build Nuclear Is Dead: Morningstar via Forbes

Nuclear reactors are not a viable source of new power in the West, Morningstar analysts conclude in a report this month to institutional investors. Nuclear’s “enormous costs, political and popular opposition, and regulatory uncertainty” render new reactors infeasible even in regions … Continue reading

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Nucléaire : la prolongation comptable à 50 ans des centrales déjà décidée (Batho) via Connaissance des Energies

La décision de prolonger comptablement à 50 ans la durée de vie des centrales nucléaires françaises d’EDF est “déjà prise”, a assuré mardi l’ex-ministre de l’Ecologie Delphine Batho, dans un entretien au quotidien spécialisé Enerpresse. “Nous devons prolonger de manière … Continue reading

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Nuclear energy verdict: Costly, slow and very high maintenance via New Economy

The story we published on Friday comparing the costs of new nuclear, now that they have been defined by contract signed by the UK Government for the construction of the $24 billion Hinkley C facility – with clean energy alternatives … Continue reading

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Chinese nuclear disaster “highly probable” by 2030 via Chinadialogue

China is heading for a nuclear accident if it continues with current construction plans, says former state nuclear physicist and prominent critic He Zuoxiu Some members of the nuclear power industry rely too much on theoretical calculations, when only experience … Continue reading

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