Search Results for: France

U.S. alarmed about plutonium stockpile growing from Rokkasho plant via The Asahi Shimbun

The U.S. government has expressed “grave concern” to Japanese officials over Tokyo’s spent nuclear fuel reprocessing program as it increases Japan’s stockpile of plutonium and the risk of proliferation, according to a joint investigation by The Asahi Shimbun and the … Continue reading

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CEZ Cancels $10 Billion Nuclear Tender on Unfavorable Economics, EU Policy via The Wall Street Journal

PRAGUE—Czech power company CEZ AS BAACEZ.PR -1.25% Thursday abruptly canceled its $10 billion tender for two new nuclear reactors one year ahead of the planned 2015 deadline to pick the winner, leaving the U.S. and Russian companies that had made … Continue reading

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Highly Enriched Danger via The New York Times

By ALAN J. KUPERMAN and FRANK N. VON HIPPEL The first two summits played a critical role in phasing out the use of highly enriched uranium as fuel in research reactors to prevent its misuse by states or terrorists to … Continue reading

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Cancer study around nuclear facilities to move forward via Beyond Nuclear

The US NRC has announced that a study examining cancers around NRC-licensed facilities will move forward through the National Academy of Sciences. […] The Phase I report recognizes many of the shortcomings of prior health studies including the imperfection of … Continue reading

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Greenpeace activists arrested in French nuclear break-in via Reuters

(Reuters) – French police arrested 57 Greenpeace activists who used a truck on Tuesday to ram their way into a nuclear power plant operated by EDF in eastern France, the organisation said. The activists hung anti-nuclear banners from the Fessenheim … Continue reading

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Old nuclear reactors can’t save the climate via Greenpeace

Today 240 activists are taking action across Europe to highlight the risk of ageing nuclear reactors. There’s an ongoing action inside Tihange in Belgium. In Switzerland activists have unfolded banners inside the Beznau II, the oldest nuclear power plant in … Continue reading

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Turkey’s first nuke plant ‘facing further delays’ via Daily News

Turkish authorities’ request for review of a key environmental report will likely cause further delay of construction of the first nuclear plant in the country, that will be built by Russian Rosatom Turkey’s first nuclear power plant has hit further … Continue reading

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Sellafield radiation alert resolved via Financial Times

The heightened radioactivity at the Sellafield nuclear site that forced a partial closure was naturally occurring radon gas, the plant’s operator has confirmed. The site will become fully operational this afternoon. This morning only essential workers were allowed in after … Continue reading

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Is Nuclear Experimentation Fascism? via Wake Up World

Definition of Fascism: “Any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and finance, rigid censorship and forcible suppression of opposition.” ~ New Collegiate Dictionary based on Webster’s New International Dictionary … Continue reading

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Areva’s mining project : a threat to Inuit land ! via Sortir du nucléaire

17 janvier 2014 : The French antinuclear network “Sortir du nucléaire“ hands out a 30,000-signatories petition to French Ministers against Areva’s mining project in Baker Lake, Nunavut Since 2008, Areva has been trying to build a uranium mining complex near … Continue reading

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