Search Results for: France

Flaw found in French nuclear reactor via BBC

A weakness has been discovered in a French nuclear reactor of the type set to be built at Hinkley in the UK. France’s nuclear safety regulator told the BBC the flaw in the steel housing the reactor core at the … Continue reading

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Las 115.000 toneladas de basura radiactiva olvidadas en el Atlántico Nordeste via Materia

Los 223.000 bidones con residuos nucleares lanzados en alta mar hasta 1982 no se controlan desde hace dos décadas, pese a las evidencias de fugas. Los países europeos estudiarán en 2014 si es necesario establecer un nuevo programa de vigilancia … Continue reading

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Leukemia and lymphoma study recently published in Lancet being strong challenged by SARI via Atomic Insights

A recent study published in Lancet Haematology claims to show that even extremely low doses of radiation increase the risk of leukemia and lymphoma. The study includes several statistical flaws, ignores the effects of medical exposures — which are of … Continue reading

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French nuclear waste will triple after decommissioning: agency via Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) – The amount of nuclear waste stored in France will triple once all its nuclear installations have been decommissioned, which will boost the need for storage facilities, French nuclear waste agency Andra said. In a report released on … Continue reading

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Researchers pin down risks of low-dose radiation via Nature

Large study of nuclear workers shows that even tiny doses slightly boost risk of leukaemia. For decades, researchers have been trying to quantify the risks of very low doses of ionizing radiation — the kind that might be received from … Continue reading

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Trouble ahead for UK’s nuclear hopes via Reuters

The next generation of reactors in the U.K. has been in the works for a decade, but now a looming challenge in the European Court of Justice attacking nuclear subsidies, growing technical problems and cost overruns are casting doubt on … Continue reading

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Austria to file EU complaint against UK nuclear plant via yahoo!news

Vienna (AFP) – Austria will next week officially file a legal complaint in Brussels against state subsidies for Britain’s planned new Hinkley Point nuclear power plant, the government in Vienna said Tuesday. “We cannot accept that a technology such as … Continue reading

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World Court condemns French nuclear tests via New Zealand History

The ruling by the International Court of Justice was part of New Zealand’s long campaign against French nuclear testing in the Pacific. Though the French ignored the court’s interim injunction and carried on testing in the atmosphere, continuing protests soon … Continue reading

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Generational Transfer Of Risk via Fairewinds

As most of you, our followers and viewers, know, Fairewinds Energy Education has real concerns about nuclear waste abandonment as nuclear corporations begin the process of decommissioning and dismantling nuclear power plants. Sponsored by the Lintilhac Foundation, Fairewinds issued a … Continue reading

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Nuclear states continue to upgrade arsenals: think tank via Daily Sabah

World stockpiles of nuclear warheads dipped to 15,850 this year, mainly due to cuts by the United States and Russia, a Sweden-based peace research institute said Monday. However, the two nuclear superpowers and the seven other countries with nuclear weapons … Continue reading

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