Search Results for: France

Recycle everything, America—except your nuclear waste via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Allison Macfarlane, Sharon Squassoni […] Now that Americans are “woke” about waste in general, they may turn to the specific kind produced by the nuclear energy industry. Plans to revitalize US nuclear power, which is in dire economic straits, … Continue reading

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EDF to curb Bugey nuclear reactor output as Rhone river flow slows via Reuters

[…] The plant near the Swiss border has four 900 MW reactors and uses water from the river for cooling. EDF’s use of water from rivers as coolant is regulated by law to protect plant and animal life. It is … Continue reading

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G20: Japan proposes framework for nuclear waste via NHK World Japan

Japan has used the G20 meeting to propose setting up an international framework for cooperative research into how to dispose of high-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants. The Group of 20 energy and environment ministers are in the town … Continue reading

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The truth about Chernobyl? I saw it with my own eyes… via The Guardian

By Kim Willsher There is a line in the television series Chernobyl that comes as no surprise to those of us who reported on the 1986 nuclear disaster in what was the Soviet Union – but that still has the power to … Continue reading

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Chernobyl horror has nuclear lessons for SA via Business Day

As we consider this energy option it is key to bear in mind that the manipulation following this disaster means the full scale of damage can only be guessed at By Kate Brown Powerful storms, record-breaking temperatures and rising water … Continue reading

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UN chief concerned nuclear ‘coffin’ leaking in Pacific via

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres raised concerns Thursday that a concrete dome built last century to contain waste from atomic bomb tests is leaking radioactive material into the Pacific. Speaking to students in Fiji, Guterres described the structure on Enewetak … Continue reading

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Spain to Shut Down Nuclear Plants And Push Forward Clean Energy Plan via South EU Summit

Amid a Europe-wide debate over the future of nuclear power in a renewable energy future, Spain has rolled out a schedule to close its seven nuclear power plants. This move comes as the government proposes an ambitious clean energy plan … Continue reading

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How greed and corruption blew up South Korea’s nuclear industry via MIT Technology Review

[…] A small, resourcepoor nation that relied heavily on imported energy, South Korea had kick-started its nuclear program in the 1970s by buying reactors on turnkey contracts from Canada, France, and the United States. But Kepco and its nuclear affiliate, … Continue reading

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Nuclear weapons ruined my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way via Waging Nonviolence

As someone deeply embedded in a life of anti-nuclear resistance, I know the only way to get rid of these weapons is to never stop thinking about them. Frida Berrigan I want to offer you something different than the barrage … Continue reading

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Nuclear Powers Need to Disarm Before It’s Too Late via Portside (Foreign Policy in Focus)

Conn Hallinan The recent military clash between India and Pakistan underscores the need for the major nuclear powers — the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, and France — finally to move toward fulfilling their obligations under the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty … Continue reading

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