Search Results for: France

Why South Africa Built Nuclear Weapons and Then Gave Them Up via The National Interest

Why? by Robert Farley Key Point: The Republic of South Africa felt safer by disarming. Why did South Africa decide to build nukes, how did it build them and why did it decide to give them up? The answers are largely idiosyncratic, although … Continue reading

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Distribution and origin of highly radioactive microparticles in Fukushima revealed via

by Riitta-Leena Inki […] However, a study just published in the scientific journal Chemosphere, involving scientists from Japan, Finland, France, and the U.S., addresses these issues. The team, led by Dr. Satoshi Utsunomiya, Ryohei Ikehara, and Kazuya Morooka (Kyushu University), developed … Continue reading

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The Secret History of How Israel Built Nuclear Weapons via The National Interest

Although Israel doesn’t officially acknowledge it, it is well understood that the country possesses a nuclear weapon arsenal (although the exact number of warheads are in dispute). It is similarly well understood that the United States opposed Israel’s nuclear weapons program during … Continue reading

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South Africa: They Built Nuclear Weapons and Then Gave Them Up. Why? via The National Interest

Key Point: The Republic of South Africa is the only country in the world to build a nuclear weapons program, then unbuild that program after domestic and international conditions changed. by Robert Farley Why did South Africa decide to build nukes, how … Continue reading

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Nuclear waste is piling up: Governments need to stop dithering and take action via

[…] In the UK, nuclear waste is currently kept in safe but high-maintenance conditions, with some canisters deteriorating, at Sellafield in Cumbria. This is costing tax payers £3 billion per year.  The new geological disposal facility is a vast underground bunker, to be buried around … Continue reading

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18 nuclear power plants in the EU are operating without a valid license via Business Insider

18 nuclear power plants in the European Union are operating without a valid license, according to research conducted by Germany’s Green Party.  This number doesn’t include the 34 other illegal power plants in neighboring European countries that aren’t part of … Continue reading

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When tritium is your beverage of choice via Beyond Nuclear International

Welcome to France By Linda Pentz Gunter The headline — Police probe opened into rumours of unsafe tap water in Paris — raised hopes that nuclear operators might finally be held accountable for what appears to be routine radioactive contamination of drinking … Continue reading

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Lives well lived: The Legacy of anti-nuclear campaigning in Tahiti via Beyond Nuclear International

Three men campaigned for decades to raise awareness of the health and environmental consequences of France’s nuclear testing program in the Pacific By Nic Mclellan But the deaths of John Doom, Bruno Barrillot and Roland Oldham mean others must pick … Continue reading

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team of scientists have unveiled a vodka which has been produced using grains and water from the Chernobyl exclusion zone, which they claim is completely safe to drink. Professor Jim Smith, from the University of Portsmouth in South England, assured that the … Continue reading

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French regulator to EDF: don’t assume new reactor model is accident-proof via WKZO

By Geert De Clercq PARIS (Reuters) – French nuclear regulator ASN warned state-controlled utility EDF that it may have to review parts of the design of its new nuclear reactor model if it hopes to get clearance to build it. … Continue reading

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