Category Archives: *English

Watchdog halts Tsuruga nuclear safety assessment after data tampering via Japan Today

TOKYO–Japan’s nuclear regulator said Wednesday it will pause its safety assessment of a central Japan reactor in response to the operator having tampered with key geological data related to a fault underneath the facility, putting in doubt its restart after … Continue reading

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Fortum calls for prompt decision on Swedish repository via World Nuclear News

A government decision on Sweden’s final waste repository will be delayed by the launch of a public consultation on whether the application for the repository should be considered separately from that for an expansion of the existing Clab interim repository … Continue reading

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「当時もこんな空だったのかな」──カラー化した原爆写真がネットで反響 AIと人力で戦時中などの写真を色付ける「記憶の解凍」 via IT media news

76回目となる終戦記念日に先立ち、原爆の“きのこ雲”の白黒写真をカラー化した画像に「76年前の今日」というコメントを添えた投稿がTwitterで注目を集めている。 このうち9日に投稿された長崎原爆のきのこ雲の写真は、14日までに1万8000リツイート、4万1000件のいいねを記録。色が付いて現実味が増した一連の画像に対しては「当時もこんな空だったのかな」「色が付くことでタイムスリップする感覚になる」など、当時に思いをはせる声が寄せられた。 投稿したのは、東京大学大学院で情報デザインとデジタルアーカイブを研究する渡邉英徳教授(@hwtnv)。渡邉教授は、広島出身で東京大学在学中の庭田杏珠さん(@Anju_niwata)とともに、第二次世界大戦にまつわる白黒写真を、AIツールと戦争体験者との対話、当時の資料、SNSで寄せられたコメントなどを活用してカラー化する活動「記憶の解凍」に取り組んでいる。AIと人のコラボレーションによって、凍りついていた記憶を「解凍」し、戦争体験者の「想い・記憶」を未来に継承するというものだ。  渡邉教授と庭田さんの2人は、活動の一環でカラー化した写真から355枚を厳選し、2020年7月に写真集「AIとカラー化した写真でよみがえる戦前・戦争」(光文社新書)として出版。戦争をテーマにした写真集としては異例の発行部数6万部を超えるベストセラーになった。 […] 全文はこちら

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The forgotten mine that built the atomic bomb via BBC

By Frank Swain [this article first appeared on August 3, 2020] The Congo’s role in creating the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was kept secret for decades, but the legacy of its involvement is still being felt today. “The … Continue reading

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Why Are We Still Building Nuclear Weapons? Follow the Money via Forbes

William Hartung […] The United States maintains an active nuclear stockpile of roughly 4,000 nuclear weapons, including over 1,500 deployed warheads. Russia’s stockpile is comparable, at roughly 4,400, while China follows with roughly 300 strategic nuclear warheads. Despite its considerably smaller arsenal, recent revelations … Continue reading

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Complicit: The countries, companies and think tanks that support the deadly nuclear arms trade via Beyond Nuclear International (ICAN)

A new report from ICAN — Complicit: 2020 Global Nuclear Weapons spending — names names and produces some horrifying spending numbers, made all the more immoral by the desperate needs around the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the ever … Continue reading

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A Hiroshima Grandmother’s Plea to Americans via Waging Nonviolence

Rev. John Dear […] Several times, over the next few days, the American visitor spent the evening drinking tea listening to Grandmother tell stories of her life. Turns out, she had been a young mother in her early 20s living … Continue reading

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Ex-U.S. officials ask Japan leaders to accept no-first-use nuke plan via Kyodo News

Tokyo–A group of former U.S. officials, including former Defense Secretary William Perry, and experts on nuclear disarmament sent an open letter Monday asking Japanese political parties not to oppose a “no-first-use” nuclear stance that may be announced by the United … Continue reading

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The Black Reporter Who Exposed a Lie About the Atom Bomb via The New York Times

Charles H. Loeb defied the American military’s denials and propaganda to show how deadly radiation from the strike on Hiroshima sickened and killed. By William J. Broad “Loeb Reflects On Atomic Bombed Area,” read the headline in The Atlanta Daily World of Oct. … Continue reading

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Power Generation Cost Working Group Finally Comes up with New Estimate via Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center

By Matsukubo Hajime(CNIC) On July 12, the Working Group on Verification of Power Generation Cost (hereafter, WG) of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, an advisory body to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, announced the outline … Continue reading

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