Category Archives: *English

Living in the light of Christ’s peace: A conversation toward nuclear disarmament via Archdiocese of Santa Fe

77th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki, Japan Mass and Interfaith Discussion Tuesday, August 9, 2022 5:15 p.m. MT Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Followed by Panel Discussion with Interfaith Leaders at 6:15 p.m. … Continue reading

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UN nuclear chief: Ukraine nuclear plant is “out of control” via AP

By EDITH M. LEDERER UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. nuclear chief warned that Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine “is completely out of control” and issued an urgent plea to Russia and Ukraine to quickly allow experts to … Continue reading

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Koide Hiroaki: The Shooting of Mr. Abe via Pearls and Irritations & Atomicage

The young Koide Hiroaki chose the field of nuclear engineering because he wanted to contribute to the future of energy-poor Japan. Once he grasped that nuclear power was a technology so risky that it required disposable places and people in … Continue reading

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Rockfish Caught off Fukushima Still Exceeds Radioactivity Limits via Maritime Executive

PUBLISHED FEB 8, 2022 3:00 PM BY THE MARITIME EXECUTIVE Radiation continues to plague local fisheries near Fukushima, Japan, a decade after a massive earthquake caused a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. On Tuesday, Japanese health officials said … Continue reading

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Flooding around nuclear waste renews residents’ fears via Fox2 Now

by: Chris Hayes BRIDGETON, Mo. – Several contaminated landfills were affected by flood waters this week. FOX 2 was checking out one of the superfund sites when EPA investigators showed up. Parts of the West Lake Landfill perimeter in Bridgeton sustained … Continue reading

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Children’s Thyroid Cancer Trial: Statement by Plaintiff #2 via 311supportnet

Microsoft Word – 20220526_【英訳】意見陳述要旨(原告2).docx Reiwa 4 (Wa) No. 1880 311 Children’s Thyroid Cancer Trial (Claim for Damages) Plaintiff 1~6 Defendant TEPCO Holdings Co., Ltd. Summary of Statement of Opinion May 19, 2022 Plaintiff 2 That day was my junior high … Continue reading

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Nuclear power is racist, sexist and ageist via Beyond Nuclear International

So why do some progressives support it? By Linda Pentz Gunter I am sure that certain Democratic senators such as Cory Booker and Sheldon Whitehouse, who are reasonably progressive on a host of social issues, would not considers themselves racist, … Continue reading

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Chicago Joins Movement to Prevent Nuclear War via Union of Concerned Scientists

Chicago Becomes Largest Midwestern City to Pass “Back from the Brink” Resolution The Chicago City Council today passed a resolution calling on President Biden and Congress to cease spending federal tax dollars on nuclear weapons, embrace the UN Treaty on the Prohibition … Continue reading

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「被爆者援護法の適用を」 被爆2世訴訟が結審 12月12日判決 via 朝日新聞

田井中雅人 原爆で被爆した親を持つ被爆2世への援護策を取らなかった国の責任を問い、国家賠償を求めている訴訟の最終弁論が19日、長崎地裁(天川博義裁判長)であり、原告側が意見陳述して結審した。判決は12月12日に言い渡される。  原告らは2017年に提訴。国が援護策の必要性を認識しながら、被爆者援護法の対象を2世に拡大しなかったのは「立法の不作為」だとし、26人の原告1人あたり10万円の国家賠償を求めている。 (略)  国側はこれまで「親が被爆したことによって被爆2世が遺伝的影響を受けることは科学的に証明がなされておらず、原告らの主張は前提を欠く」などと主張。棄却を求めてきた。  この日までに提出した最終準備書面で原告側は、原爆放射線による影響の可能性が否定できない人たちを被爆者と認めた昨年7月の広島高裁「黒い雨」判決の確定により、科学的証明を求める国側の主張は否定されたとしている。(田井中雅人) 全文は「被爆者援護法の適用を」 被爆2世訴訟が結審 12月12日判決

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French Nuclear Cuts Extend to Next Week as Temperatures Soar via Bloomberg

Reactor availability has shrunk to just 46%, pushing up prices Paris is set to see temperatures of almost 40 degrees Celsius By Lars Paulsson, Priscila Azevedo Rocha, and Todd GillespieJuly 15, 2022 at 3:25 AM CDTUpdated onJuly 15, 2022 at … Continue reading

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