Radioactive Olympics Deja Vu: UPDATE by Dr. Alex Rosen of IPPNW via Nuclear Hotseat

Radioactive Olympics deja vu – While they’re set to happen in 2021,
they’re still called the 2020 games… same schedule, same dangerous locations
for torch relay and first games.  Will Japan and the IOC never learn…?

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This Week’s Featured Interview: 

Radioactive Olympics – Dr. Alex Rosen is one of two co-chairs of the German affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), where he is responsible for the topic of nuclear energy.  Dr. Rosen is a pediatric specialist and head of the pediatric emergency department of the Berlin University Clinic Charité.  In the past ten years, he has closely followed the developments in Fukushima, especially the Fukushima Medical University thyroid-screenings, and published numerous critical commentaries on the WHO and UNSCEAR reports, the screening publications, and the health effects of the nuclear disaster. We spoke on December 21, 2020.

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