‘Nuclear is an unsafe bridge to clean energy and one not worth the risk’ (Your letters) via Syracuse

To the Editor:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s sleight of hand of a proposed green energy designation for nuclear power is an environmental farce and an obvious effort to avoid closure of the aging nuclear plants in New York state, specifically FitzPatrick and Nine Mile.

The only number they clearly haven’t considered in their calculation is the cost of an accident. These plants are now being run long past their intended life span of 40 years. (Nine Mile Unit 1 is the second-oldest plant in the country.)

They routinely emit radiation. (Remember the NRC’s statement, “There is no safe exposure to radiation.”) The metal is embrittled, assumptions about “leak before break” are questionable at best, and regulations about firewalls were changed to allow for the materials that failed meet their initial standard. There are no redundant safety features for the waste pools, and on it goes.


Continuing to use nuclear energy is spinning the roulette wheel where the cost of losing is incalculable.

Read more at ‘Nuclear is an unsafe bridge to clean energy and one not worth the risk’ (Your letters) 

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