“Proposal for a Skilled Veterans Corps to install an alternative cooling system at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant” on Skilled Veterans Corps at the Fukusima-Daiichi Nuclear Power

  1. In general, industrial plants are equipped with “FAIL-SAFE SYSTEMS” to stop operations safely if and when unexpected malfunctions occur by shutting off the energy or fuel supply to the system or otherwise disengaging power mechanisms.
  2. In the case of nuclear power plants, however, it is impossible to turn-off the fuel supply as the system is like “an operating burner inside a fuel tank”. The only means to averting a “meltdown” is to suppress the nuclear chain reaction by inserting control rods into the reactor core and to gradually cool the fuel rods with constantly circulating water.
  3. This means that a nuclear power plant cooling system SHOULD NEVER BE STOPPED, which is why the cooling system is robustly designed to provide double, triple or more redundant backup. Unfortunately, the recent tsunami was much more forceful than anticipated by the plant operators, and all of the back-up systems were destroyed or incapacitated.

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