Monthly Archives: March 2023

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Disconnected via Aljazeera

After another blackout at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine, the head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog has appealed for a protection zone, saying he was “astonished by the complacency” of the organisation he leads, the International … Continue reading

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Fiji on very high alert after Japan’s plan to release more than 1.3 million tonnes of radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean via Fijivillage

By Vijay Narayan A question that has been asked is, if the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) treated water is so safe, why not re-use it in Japan for alternative purposes – in manufacturing and agriculture for instance. Acting Prime Minister, … Continue reading

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Fukushima at 12 via Nuclear Hotseat

NH #611: SPECIAL – Fukushima at 12: Voices from Japan – On the Ground w/Beverly Findlay Kaneko Nuclear Hotseat NH #611: SPECIAL – Fukushima at 12: Voices from Japan – On the Ground w/Beverly Findlay Kaneko Nuclear Hotseat NH #611: … Continue reading

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Fukushima plant head: Too early to predict decommissioning via The Mainichi

[…] “Going forward, we have to face unconceivably difficult work such as retrieving the melted debris” from inside the reactors, said Ono, who heads the plant and is president of Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination & Decommissioning Engineering Co. Earlier this year, … Continue reading

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“I started prioritizing treatment over my dreams for the future”: Public testimony of a young woman diagnosed with thyroid cancer after Fukushima disaster via CNIC

[…] The first oral arguments were heard on March 26, 2022, at the Tokyo District Court. The following is the public testimony of one plaintiff, a young woman in her 20s, who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when she was … Continue reading

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Living on a Deadline in the Nuclear Age. Some Personal News via Common Dreams (Reader Supported News)

By Daniel Ellsberg Dear friends and supporters, I have difficult news to impart. On February 17, without much warning, I was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer on the basis of a CT scan and an MRI. (As is usual with … Continue reading

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One year later, new dangers threaten Ukraine’s embattled Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

By Edward Lyman Nearly a year after Russia’s March 4, 2022 seizure of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine, the facility remains in a precarious state. The site has endured fire, structural damage, and five temporary losses of all offsite … Continue reading

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Train derails on way to load N-waste via Beyond Nuclear International

VT rail accident sends a clear warning The Brattleboro Reformer reports that a train on its way to load up nuclear waste from the decommissioning Vermont Yankee nuclear power station derailed on February 24, 2023. The derailment involved the “spacer” cars to … Continue reading

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第五福竜丸の記述も教材から削除 はだしのゲンに続き、広島市教委 via Yahoo!Japan ニュース(共同)

広島市教育委員会が市立の小中高校を対象にした「平和教育プログラム」の教材から漫画「はだしのゲン」を削除する方針を決めた問題で、米国のビキニ水爆実験で被ばくした静岡県焼津市のマグロ漁船「第五福竜丸」の記述もなくすことが1日、分かった。教員用の指導資料には記述を残し、生徒に概要や参考文献を紹介するという。 【水中爆発の写真】1946年7月1日、米国が太平洋のビキニ環礁で原爆実験を開始した 「死の灰」第五福竜丸にも  第五福竜丸は69年前の3月1日、太平洋マーシャル諸島ビキニ環礁での水爆実験に遭遇し、乗組員23人全員が被ばくした。日本で反核運動が高まるきっかけとなった。平和教育プログラムで使う市教委作成の「ひろしま平和ノート」では、第五福竜丸は核兵器を巡る世界の現状を学習する中3の部分に掲載されている。乗組員の被ばくや、半年後に40歳で亡くなった無線長の久保山愛吉さんなどを写真とともに紹介している。  市教委がプログラムを再検討する中で「第五福竜丸が被ばくした記述のみにとどまり、被爆の実相を確実に継承する学習内容となっていない」との指摘が出た。 原文

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『はだしのゲン』削除から考える記憶の継承via Radio Dialogue

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