High Levels Of Radiation Found Inside Indonesia Housing Complex, Source A Mystery via International Business Times

By James Patterson  

During a routine check to make sure that its mobile radiation detection unit was working properly, the nuclear energy regulatory agency of Indonesia, known as BAPETEN (Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir) discovered an unusually high reading in a vacant lot near a housing complex.

BATAN (Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional), a separate research agency, calmed some nerves of people in an adjacent housing complex in South Tangerang, Banten. The BATAN agency spokesperson, Heru Umbara, advised that “relevant authorities” were handling the case.


The statement continued, “A joint BAPETEN and BATAN team conducted a search to find the source of the high radiation on Feb. 7 to 8 and found several radioactive fragments. Based on those results, we concluded that the contamination had spread in the area and decontamination efforts had to be conducted by removing or dredging contaminated soil and removing contaminated trees and other vegetation.”

Gunawan said after the fragments were removed, tests showed that the radiation levels in the area had decreased but were still above normal levels.

Another BAPETEN spokesperson, Abdul Qohhar Teguh, told the Jakarta Post that the agency was not yet able to confirm the source of the radioactive fragments. He said, “For the time being, we have not focused on investigating the location of the source, where it came from, why it was there, who brought it. At the moment the joint team is still focusing on clearing the scene.”

Read more at High Levels Of Radiation Found Inside Indonesia Housing Complex, Source A Mystery

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