Nuclear tourism experience in Bandung to be launched in October via The Jakarta Post

The National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) is set to launch a nuclear tourism experience on Oct. 30, aiming to introduce nuclear technology to the public.


Jupiter said travelers can visit a number of places related to Batan in Bandung, such as reactors, isotopes production lab, the reactor conversion lab and Applied Nuclear Technology Center.

“Our target market is students and those interested in nuclear sciences. As this is a nuclear facility and considered a vital object, visitors must be at least 18 years old,” he said, adding that the tour will be free of charge.


Kenny Dewi Kaniasari, head of Bandung’s Culture and Tourism Agency, said that nuclear energy as an alternative energy source would be an interesting theme for the public. She expressed hope that the experience would be presented in an attractive way to dismiss the notion that nuclear energy was dangerous.

Kenny added that the agency would create special programs for the experience. “We will add several points to the tourism trail, as we have the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Cultural Heritage and the Bandung Zoo,” she said. (wng)

Read more at Nuclear tourism experience in Bandung to be launched in October

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