Take nuclear subsidies out of EPA carbon rules via Credo Mobilize

While I support your efforts to address global warming, costly 
consumer subsidies for old, uneconomic nuclear reactors and new 
nuclear power must be removed from your climate plan. These reactors 
can and should be replaced with clean renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Why is this important?

Nuclear power is not only ineffective at addressing global warming, 
by misdirecting money better spent on clean renewable and energy efficiency 
resources, it is actually counterproductive.
Yet the EPA’s carbon reduction proposal released June 2 would encourage 
ratepayer subsidies to keep uneconomic, aging and dangerous nuclear reactors 
that otherwise would close operating indefinitely. The proposal also would 
encourage more construction of extraordinarily expensive new reactors. 
Both of these steps would have the effect of deterring deployment of 21st 
century energy technologies, including solar, wind, geothermal, advanced 
energy efficiency, distributed generation, smart grids and other clean energy programs.

Tell President Obama that the nuclear provisions in the Administration’s carbon 
reduction plan must be removed and clean energy must be supported if we are to 
effectively address global warming.

Read more (petition site) at Take nuclear subsidies out of EPA carbon rules

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