Dresden station monitoring identifies tritium via Morris Daily Herald

MORRIS — Dresden Generating Station’s technical experts identified water containing tritium in on-site monitoring points through the station’s environmental monitoring program.

“Our monitoring program functioned as designed, alerting us to the presence of tritium early so we can address the issue quickly and effectively,” Dresden Site Vice President Shane Marik said in a news release.

Exelon officials notified state and federal regulatory officials today. On Saturday the station’s environmental team identified tritiated water in one of the station’s 83 environmental monitoring wells located near a water storage tank, according to the release. The station will be working around the clock to excavate the area around the tank, find the location of the leak, and make repairs.

Samples taken from the station’s on-site waste water treatment facility also showed low levels of tritium. The station has not detected any unusual levels of tritium offsite.

Dresden’s waste water treatment plant operates in the same manner as all waste treatment facilities following all state and federal regulations. The sanitary wastewater from the plant is cleaned, disinfected and discharged to the Kankakee River.

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