64 Conservative Organizations Notify the Senate: Don’t Renew the Wind PTC via SustainableBusiness.com

64 conservative groups, led by Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity, sent a letter to Congress urging it to allow the wind energy production tax credit (PTC) to expire at the end of this year.

Mitt Romney has also come out against extending the PTC.

The letter says the wind industry has become too dependent on the PTC, which provides a 2.2 cent per kilowatt-hour tax credit for wind farms.
Meanwhile, these same groups continue to block President Obama’s attempts to eliminate $4 billion in annual tax credits for the oil and gas industry, which dwarf that of the wind industry many times over.

After decades of support, the nuclear industry is still not viable without government support, states a 2011 report by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The report notes that nuclear subsidies have been so large over the past 50 years in proportion to the value of the energy produced that in some cases it would have cost taxpayers less to simply buy kilowatts on the open market and give them away.

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