U.N. Body Accuses Iran of Nuclear Weapons Research, But Can Military Action Stop Tehran? vua Times

Posted by Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at 4:58 pm

The U.N.’s nuclear watchdog has finally lent its imprimatur to the suspicion that Iran is using its atomic energy program to put the means to build nuclear weapons within its reach. That’s the upshot of Tuesday’s report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Iran, making it the agency’s harshest finding yet on Iran’s program. The IAEA hasn’t accused Iran of currently building nuclear weapons, but it has questionied Iran’s intentions by citing evidence of theoretical work, computer modeling and possible testing of high-explosive detonation devices that appear to have no possible use other than designing a nuclear warhead. The Agency also accused the Iranians of conducting experimental work until 2003 on an alternate source of enriched uranium, the key ingredient of a bomb program, that would not be covered by IAEA inspectors

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