Rumor circulating via Twitter in Japan: Many more Fukushima workers dead than revealed — Bodies may be kept at medical school via ENE News


The whistle-blowing of the earnest of Professor Seto. However it is, actuality was more terrible.

  • Operator death person several approximately 4,300 people
  • 300,000,000 Yen oral stop charges to one bereaved family
  • When the mouth you remove, payment in full forfeiture

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2 Responses to Rumor circulating via Twitter in Japan: Many more Fukushima workers dead than revealed — Bodies may be kept at medical school via ENE News

  1. Junko Abe says:

    When you say this is a rumor, you are saying that this is not a credible news. But I say this is more credible than Tepco’s story that no operater nor worker died in relation to Fukushima NPP accident. Tepco, through subcontractors, gathered homelesses and joblesses, offerred them payment as much as thirty thousand per hour (whistle blower) and carried them to Fukushima without telling them about it. Workers were given no standard protective clothes, no masks, no identification cards which would serve as evidences of their works. After work, they were paid and went back home. No one knows who did what. Nuclear gypsies.

    • Yuki Miyamoto says:

      Thank you for the comment above. I agree with you on TEPCO’s information controle. We all know that how unreliable the news from TEPCO (as well as the government and mass media) has been. We would like to run more news about TEPCO (and other electric power companies) workers for nuclear facilities.

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