Daily Archives: 2011/05/19

『福島第一原子力発電所から排出された放射性物質による汚染物の処理についての緊急対策を求める会長声明』 on 日本弁護士連合会

1 去る4月22日、当連合会は、政府が同月19日に発表した「福島県内の学校等の 校舎・校庭等の利用判断における暫定的考え方について」に対して、一般公衆の被ばく基準量を最大年間20mSvまで許容するのは問題であるとして、改善を求める会長声明を発した。 一方、政府の調査結果によれば、放射性物質による汚染は福島県内を中心に、相当の範囲の土壌等が放射性物質による汚染をうけており、中にはチェルノブイリ原発事故並みの高い汚染地域があることが判明している。周辺の他都県の汚染も決して低いレベルではない。 原発事故はいまだ収束しておらず、高濃度の放射能汚染地域はさらに拡大し続ける可能性もある。原発事故を早期に収束して放射性物質の拡散を防止するとともに、既に放射能汚染された地域の住民の放射線被ばくを可能な限り軽減することは急務である。 2 文部科学省は避難区域の指定について空間放射線量を基準にしているが、 続きは『福島第一原子力発電所から排出された放射性物質による汚染物の処理についての緊急対策を求める会長声明』 on 日本弁護士連合会から。

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“32 US Nuclear Plants Fail Safety Tests” via Readers Supported News

Nuclear plant emergency generators like those that failed in Japan following the March earthquake and tsunami also failed during tests at the Seabrook Station in New Hampshire and 32 other US plants in the past eight years, according to a … Continue reading

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“The Truth About Area 51 Revealed in Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen” via the Daily Beast

In her explosive new book, Area 51, investigative journalist Annie Jacobsen reveals top government secrets about what really happened at the site and how she first heard about it. She also reveals for the first time secret nuclear tests that … Continue reading

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“Fukushima village on way to becoming ghost town” via the Japan Times Online

IITATE, Fukushima Pref. — Sleepy, idyllic and dangerously irradiated, the village of Iitate is preparing to evacuate. The junior high school is closed, its children bused every day to nearby towns. Tractors sit idle, and weeds poke through rice and … Continue reading

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“Plant springs new radioactive leak” via the Japan Times Online

Another leak at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant has been pouring radioactive water filled with high amounts of cesium into the Pacific Ocean for an unknown period of time, but Tokyo Electric Power Co. was able to plug the … Continue reading

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“Kan orders slaughter of all livestock in 20-km hot zone” via the Japan Times Online

Prime Minister Naoto Kan on Thursday told Fukushima Gov. Yuhei Sato to slaughter all farm animals within a 20-km radius of the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. The government’s decision last month to formally declare the 20-km evacuation zone … Continue reading

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“Probe into nuke crisis to take about a year” via the Japan Times Online

The forthcoming probe into the causes of the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant will take about a year, government sources said Wednesday. An independent panel on the accident will be formed by about 10 members, including … Continue reading

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“Talks delayed on Tepco redress body” via the Japan Times Online

The government has delayed finalizing a redress plan to help Tokyo Electric Power Co. compensate victims of the Fukushima nuclear crisis. Prime Minister Naoto Kan had initially hoped to conclude the plan Thursday. However, it ran into opposition from a … Continue reading

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